chapter 2

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[Toru's pov in mina's dorm at 12:05 AM]

         "So mina, did ya really need to break her lock? We could have done something.. less destructive." I ask knowing mina would just shrug it off. 'I mean i know it was the only way but still, oh damn i think Mashirao is rubbing off on me, this is the exact type of thing he would say'
        "We both know they have huge crushes on each other so why not give that push toru!" Mina exclaims in the middle of a squeal from the love thats been blossoming lately.
" oh and don't get me started on you and ojiro, your sounding more like him every day you know" mina whispers in my ear with a big shit eating grin as she backs away and winks at me.
         "Minnnnnaaaa stoppp your embarrassing mee! And aren't we supposed to embarrass uraraka and midoriya instead of me" I complain knowing once you get mina started theres no stopping her.

          "Sorry not sorry toru, now lets go get pictures" mina squeals once again " hey toru wanna bet?" Mina asks with enthusiasm practically oozing out of her.
          "On what mina" i question unknowing of whats to come. ' i wonder if our plan worked, i hope it did, team izuocha has a rep to keep up, hell we even got iida in on it somehow'

         "On if they're snuggling together obviously! So i got 20 that they're snuggling up together as if they're lives depended on it! Mina whispers to make sure she doesn't wake them up. "Here's the spare key i stole from midori earlier, you wanna do the honors"
          "Of course i would love to" I respond as quietly as possible. I grab the key and unlock the door. Mina readys her phone while i push the door slowly open. "Wait mina? Where are they? Aren't they supposed to be here?
          "I don't kn-" mina chokes out before getting knock out by a bright green flash.

          "W-w-who's there s-stay back" i stutter out before getting knocked in the back of the head knocking me out

[Izuku's pov in his dorm at 11:50]

       "So ocha? You realize ashido is behind all this right" I conclude seeing as only ashido is the only one that could have melted the lock on ocha's door like that.
        "Yea i kinda assumed" ochaco sighs sadly "well i guess we gotta get her back now?" Ochaco questions with a determined smile. ' I mean their plan sorta worked, and i couldn't be anymore grateful but knowing mina she'll think that we'll be cuddling up together and take pictures or something, which isn't a bad idea actually. Mmm I can't wait to cuddle up with my cimminon roll'

       "Of course we have to get her back ocha. So whats the plan?" I ask wanting to get her back for ocha's door and that she's probably gonna embarrass us somehow.

       "well i was thinking we could just ambush her if she actually comes to embarrass us ya know, we'd tie her up or something and put her outside kirishima's room or something like that, does that sound good?" Ocha exclaims with a innocent smile that could end all wars.

      "That sounds like a good idea Ocha but i think we should give her what she wants, except let's steal her phone so she doesn't have any evidence, no one will ever believe we're dating now" I explain my plan before grabbing ocha's hand. " shh, i think i hear her, lets go to the common room to ambush her" i whispered before i picked her up and hopped through open window.

        "Ahhhhhh, zuzu what are you doing!" Ocha yells in my chest as i activate full cowling 15% to dart back to the common room to wait for mina's prank ' holy crap, zuzu that was amazing, i didn't know you were that fast'
          "Sorry ocha but i heard two people outside my dorm about to open the door, so lets get this ambush underway, you ready" I give a soft smile to ocha before darting up the stairs and chopping mina in the back of the head knocking her out. I see toru and start backing her to the stairs where ocha was. I notice ocha rush up behind and knock toru upside the head.   

[Mina's pov in ??? At ???]

      "Uhgg- where am i, WAIT why am i tied u-" I struggle in my restraints. ' wait who is that, uhg i cant tell, that weird black mask is covering that guys face, wait he's about to talk!'
     "Heh, heh, heh, so one finally wakes up" the strange voice continues to speak "now lets wake up your invisible friend here" the voice walks up and pours a water bottle on toru's head

      "AHH! Its cold what the hell!!" Toru basically screams as loud as possible ' what the hell is happening, why aren't we in the dorms did we get kidnapped!'

       "So you two, let get on with the torture" the voice remarks with a evil laugh. "So would  you come over here ocha?" the voice asks whlie turning around and removing his facemask.

        'WAIT OCHA? does he mean uraraka? Is uraraka a villain, holy shit, that traitor!' Both kidnappies thought at the same time.

         "U-uraraka your A-a v-villain?!" I remark with tears in my eyes. "Why, w-why would you do this!" The tears in my eyes were flowing down and hitting the cold floor.

[Uraraka's pov in ??? At ???]

        "Pffftt, oh my god, dont worry im no villain" I start laughing so hard that zuzu had to catch me before i fell. " me and zuzu just want to torture you a little" i whisper in their ears and back away before giggling and turning the light on revealing to them that we're in the classroom. "So zuzu.. how bout we give them a show" i seductively tease my boyfriend before i pull him into a deep passionate kiss that we both melt into.'holy cow zuzu is good at this. And his lips are so soft. Im so happy he's mine, i wouldn't trade him for the world'

        We break apart our kiss and take their phones. "Hey girls?" i playfully ask while pulling zuzu close to me, who was looking into my eyes trying his hardest to keep his act together.
        "Y-yea" both girls squeak out trying to break free from their confines. ' did they just.. makeout.. i-in front of us, h-holy s-shit' both girls think the same thing as ochaco and izuku lock lips once again before breaking apart and grabbing our tied up friends phones and calling their respective boyfriends.

        Me and zuzu turn and give them their phones and whisper in both of their ears.

        " nobody will believe you"

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