Chapter 1

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Third P.O.V

Lance walked sluggishly through the castle corridors and let out a loud yawn. He was beyond exhausted.  He'd spent the whole day before training with the others while most of them mocked and made fun of him which was followed by what he considered the weirdest dream he ever had but couldn't remember most of it. He knew he had a weird dream just couldn't remember exactly what it was only a few minor details such as screams, butterflies, and eyes like fire. A weird combination. But what was the absolute worst is right as he was finally about to fall back asleep Allura announced a strategy meeting to plan for their next mission.

Lance understands the need and importance of these kinds of meetings he does but for crying out loud it wasn't even 5:00 in the morning yet. Finally arriving at the control room Lance let out a sigh before opening the door and stepped inside only to be greeted by everyone else already present and discussing strategy. "Of course, they've already started," Lanced mumbled under his breath. Upon entering the room everyone's heads turned to look towards him.

"Finally decided to show up?" Shiro said with a disapproving stare.

"You're late Lance," Allura snapped.

Putting on his signature smile he replied," Sorry guys but it takes time to look this good."

Allura let out a sigh and rolled her eyes before going back to explaining the plan. Knowing that the conversation was over Lance walked over to his seat and sat down. Halfway into Allura's plan, Lance began to feel his eyelids droop. He must've been more tired than he originally thought to start falling asleep. He doesn't even remember when he finally did fall asleep but he had to have considering the next thing he heard was a loud yell from Allura.

"Lance stop dozing off!" She yelled causing the boy to jolt awake in fright. He was surprised to open his eyes and find her directly in front of him with a glare on her face.

"Sorry Allura," Lance apologized hoping she wouldn't yell at him any more than she already had especially this early in the morning. Allura glared at him for a few more seconds before walking back to her spot in front of everyone.

"Listen up paladins! I will only repeat myself once more. Today we're going to be interrupting a slave trade between the Calvike Merchant Co and the Galra Empire. Our main priority will be freeing the slaves and maintaining their safety. If either party is to flee you are not to pursue unless all the slaves are safe and accounted for. We'll be on the defensive instead of the offensive," Allura explained.

Lance slowly raised his hand and spoke, "I have a question".

"What is it, Lance?" Allura snapped annoyed by his previous statement.

Lance flinched slightly at the tone Allura used and pinched his thigh for a few seconds before asking his question," How Exactly will we be saving them?" Allura's eyes twitched in irritation.

"Maybe if you'd shown up on time and not slept through the meeting you would know. Pidge can you explain the plan to him? You are the one that will be working with him after all," Allura said.

"Sure thing Allura," Pidge replied with a nod.

"All right everyone's Dismissed," Allura said before walking out of the control room. Pidge then grabbed Lance's arm and pulled him out of the room back to her workspace.

Time skip by 2020

"Okay everyone it's time to move out. On my signal you will start the attack," Allura said as the paladins got into their positions. After a few minutes, the merchant ship slowly arrived soon followed by the appearance of a Galra cruiser. From the merchant ship, a smaller vehicle came out and headed towards the Galra cruiser. "Go, go, go!" Allura shouted as she signaled for the paladins to begin the operation.

Lance and Pidge rode their lions towards the transport ship while Kieth, Hunk, and Shiro began to attack both the Merchant ship and the Galra cruiser to pose as a distraction while Lance and Pidge evacuated the slaves into their lions. With such a simple plan you had to wonder what could go wrong? The answer? Everything, literally everything. Turns out the exchange was just an elaborate trap. The transport ship was just a decoy and the slaves were probably still aboard the Merchant ship if there were any. As soon the others began to attack Galra fighter jets(? I'm not sure what they're called) began rushing out of the cruiser at lightning speed soon overwhelming them.

Getting back in their lions they flew towards the merchant ship to infiltrate and search if there were slaves. Using the lion's lasers to cut a hole in the side of the ship they exited their lions and began to search. Eventually, they found the cells without any interaction with guards which made Lance uneasy considering this seemed a little too easy. He was however relieved that there were slaves despite how messed up it may seem. Finding slaves meant that their efforts weren't wasted and any injuries the other might have received so far weren't for nothing.

Pidge hacked the cells to release them while Lance gathered and lead them through the ship towards the place they left their lions. As they were boarding the slaves into their lion's Guards finally began showing up and shooting like crazy trying to take them down. Lance and Pidge stepped defensively in front of the slave's shields raised while striking back at the enemy as best as they could. As the last slave attempted to board they tripped with a loud yelp causing Lance to turn away from the enemy for just a few seconds to see if they were alright. Those few seconds however made all the difference. His momentary distraction left him open to a single shot aimed at his head. Realizing what would happen if it hit him Pidge ran and shoved him out of the way taking the shot instead.

The girl let out a scream of anguish before collapsing to the floor. Lance shot down the last of the guards before approaching Pidge. Her lower stomach was covered by a nasty burn. She was unconscious which Lance thought probably wasn't good considering how severe her injury looked. Lance carefully lifted her in his arms. Acting quickly he ran into his lion making sure to set her down carefully to not agitate the wound. He had some of the slaves surround her and hold her to make sure she didn't roll around while he flew. Lance then took off back towards the Castle of Lions with the green lion in tow and Allura on-call informing her of what happened and asking her to prepare a healing pod for Pidge.

The other Chapters should be up within the hour if I don't fall asleep. Happy New Year!🎉🎉🎉

-Edited 08/12/21

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