Chapter 9

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I survived! I'm also never going again. I don't think the song goes that well with chapter it's just what I was listening to while writing it.

Lance laid in Keith's bed deep in troubling thoughts,  'What's happening to me?  How did I use that blue attack? What if Shiro remembers?  It might make my situation on the team worse... What if they try to kill me or disect me...' All of a sudden his thoughts were interrupted by a feminine scream followed by pure agony enveloping his body.  Lance screamed In response , he felt like as though he was being torn limb from limb while burning alive.

His vision went black for a second before switching from Keith's room to what looked like a room on a galra ship. The sudden change of scenery gave him quite the scare. In front of him stood a galran soldier that wielded a bloody sword.  Looking at the soldier he noticed something. In the reflection of the soldiers armor he didn't see himself instead he saw someone he wasn't expecting L.

Before he had time to process what he just saw unknown images appeared in his mind.

A tall female Altean with ocean blue eyes and Silver hair who seemed oddly familiar stood over a younger looking L who had tears streaming down her face.  She wore a long white sleeves dress that seemed to be stained in blood? "I'm sorry.... I thought it was for the best",the women said before drops of red fell on L's already tear stained face.

The women fell forward moving no more once those words were said. It was odd, as the woman fell Lance felt great sorrow but he didn't know why. Did he know this woman? Did he know L before the dreams? "Mother!" The younger L screamed as she clutched the body of the dead Altean. As tears fell from her face L shakily stood up setting her mother's lifeless body down and turning to face Lance. As she made eye contact with boy her eyes widened in horror. "You shouldn't be here!" She said in shock.

Lance was confused but before he could ask the scenery changed to familiar place that was Kieth's room. Lance quickly calmed himself in case Kieth returned. He's already helped him so much he couldn't bare to make him worry even more.

I'm thinking of writing out the mission that is referred to in chapter 1 as a prologue but I want your guy's opinion on whether or not I should. I'm sorry if it was short I'll try to make the next one longer.

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