Chapter 2

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Sorry for not updating sooner school started and I've been very busy. Look at the picture, please! Also italics are thoughts.

   Lance stood outside the control room fidgeting with his hands. He couldn't avoid facing them forever but at least he could hold off for now. Taking in a deep breath to calm himself Lance steeled his nerves, opened the door, and stepped inside bracing himself for what was to come. Everyone was already inside discussing the events of earlier today. Even Pidge who'd barely gotten out of a healing pod was there. The sound of the door opening alerted the others of Lance's presence causing everyone to turn towards him.  Not even a second later Allura got up from her seat and approached Lance with anger written all over her face.

"Lance what is wrong with you!" Allura yelled once she was only a few feet away from him.  Lance froze with fear upon hearing her tone. He knew that he would get chewed out by the others. He had mentally prepared himself for it but the tone of her voice was too much for him. It brought out so many old memories all of which he wanted nothing more than to forget.  Right now he wasn't Lance Paladin of the Blue Lion, he was Lance the troubled and ungrateful foster kid. He had done something wrong again and now he was going to be-

"Allura calm down," Pidge said, causing his mind to stop its spiral even if only for a moment. Pidge slowly stood up from her seat and walked towards the two before patting Allura on the shoulder in an attempt to calm the raging woman.

"Yeah Allura you need to calm down," Hunk chimed in. Unfortunately, their actions had the opposite effect on her making her even angrier.

"I will not calm down as you say. Lance is near impossible to work with! He can't stop flirting or pay attention for a few seconds! He can't even follow a few simple directions! His actions almost cost us both Pidge and the mission!" Allura yelled again fuming with rage as she brushed Pidge's hand off her shoulder.

Shiro stood up from his seat and spoke, "Unfortunately Allura is right.  His behavior is unacceptable. It'd be different if he only made some minor mistakes but like Allura said one of us almost died today because of him."

"I didn't mean to get anyone hurt," Lance mumbled quietly while staring directly at the ground in an attempt to avoid eye contact with the others. Amidst all their arguing he'd managed to calm himself down a bit.

"It doesn't matter if you meant to or not! In the end, you did get someone hurt and there is no undoing that!" Shiro shouted as he approached the very much still afraid blue Paladin. Shiro towered over Lance by a lot which only worked to increase Lance's rising panic.

"Why are you even here Lance? You're nothing more than a disgrace to the paladins!" Allura said harshly. Lance began to tremble, still stuck in the same spot from when he had entered. Lance fidgeted with his hands in an attempt to calm himself.

"Allura don't talk about him like that!" Keith snapped at the Altean Woman. Standing up from his seat Kieth also made his way over to Lance. Kieth stepped Between Lance and the others attempting to shield him from their view.

"Well it's true," Allura huffed, crossing her arms.  She gave Kieth a look before rolling her eyes in annoyance.

"I completely agree with you, " Shiro responded, turning to face Allura instead of Lance. 

Lance's eyes began to water but he refused to cry, at least not in front of the others. Lance did his best to steady his voice before speaking," I'm sorry for messing up and being a disappointment. I'll try to do better next mission." His words came out more strained than intended but he couldn't care less he had to leave the room. Turning around, Lance walked out of the control room and down the hall. Once out of sight Lance ran the rest of the way to his room finally allowing the tears to spill from his eyes.

"Lance, wait!" Pidge yelled after him but he was already gone. "It wasn't even that bad of an injury, just a small third-degree burn on my stomach besides we had the healing pods and I'm fine now," Pidge defended before storming out of the room herself.

    Lance raced through the castle allowing more and more tears to fall the farther he was away from the room. "Why," Lance thought."Why is it always me? Why am I always being  treated like I'm nothing like I don't  have feelings?"

Back in the control room

    "Allura, Shiro you guys should be ashamed of yourselves", Kieth said as he walked back to his seat and sat down.

"I have to agree with Keith on this one. You guys were too harsh on Lance," Hunk said. Just then Coran walked into the control room completely unaware of what had just occurred moments before his arrival. Coran looked around at everyone immediately picking up on the tense atmosphere. "Just finished the  repairs on the castle, is everything alright?" Coran asked with concern.

"No, everything isn't alright. Allura and Shiro yelled at and disrespected Lance!" Keith snarled, crossing his arms annoyed at Allura's and Shiro's lack of guilt.

    "What?" Coran asked. He turned to face Allura and looked her straight in the eyes, "Allura! Why would you do something like that! Alfor raised you better than this and you Shiro," Corran scolded before turning towards Shiro and pointing at him, "You're supposed to be the leader and leaders don't do such things to their teammates."

    Shiro and Allura both hung their heads in shame although only one of them truly felt guilty.

"I'm sorry Coran," they both said now gazing at their feet. "You should be apologizing to Lance, not me, however you should let him calm down first. While it might now have been much to you two who knows how he's feeling right now," Coran said.

With Lance

    He continued racing towards his room as he cried. He ran straight into his room  once at his door before locking it. Once the door had closed he leaned against the door and slid down to the floor as tears ran down his face. It had been a while since the boy had felt so hurt and alone.

"Why?" Lance sobbed, bringing a hand up to his face to wipe away some of his tears,  "Why do people criticize me even though I always try my best? Why am I never enough for them? I was hoping things would be different from how they were on Earth but I guess not."

Lance cried and cried till his eyes were red and puffy. "What will make this pain stop? I'll do anything for it to stop,"  Lance thought.  "I wish there was someone who could listen and help me get through this but I know none of them care!" Lance sobbed curling in on himself. The boy cried a few minutes more before he had an idea to get rid of the pain.

    Lance shakily stood up and walked into his bathroom. He opened a drawer and pulled out a razor blade. "Maybe this will stop the pain, " Lance questioned aloud. Bringing the blade up to his lower arm he lowered it onto his skin. Applying a bit of pressure Lance started dragging it from one side of his arm to another.  *SLICE SLICE SLICE SLICE*

He cut up his arm until he reached his elbow before switching to his other one and repeating the process. *SLICE SLICE SLICE SLICE* Fresh blood spilled from the cuts on his arms and onto the bathroom floor but he didn't care. How could he? It might have been messy but at least it took away from the pain in his heart.

When he ran out of the room on his other arm he started cleaning up the bathroom and bandaged his arms. Wiping off the razor Lance wrapped it in a towel and put it back in his cabinet. He then walked over to his bed laying down hoping to sleep off his remaining pain.

A/N: I will no longer be taking fanfic requests. If you my readers want to address me for whatever reason I'm fine with either my username SilverBell2005 or just Bell.

- Edited 02/09/22

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