Chapter 4

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I'm pretty sure I misspelled Lance's last name so don't get mad please. Also this chapter is going to involve abuse. I'm not going to make it that detailed because it strikes to close to home. Also sorry for not updating sooner I wrote on my phone on safari because my phone acted weird and deleted all my apps and wouldn't let me re download them and you can't publish stuff on safari I normally use my tablet but I lost it and just found it so please don't lash out at me in the comments. Enjoy!!!

(Lance's point of view)

    "Fine!" Lance said. "It all started when I was 6. I was found in the middle of nowhere and had no memory of anything except that my name was Lance. Since I couldn't say if I had relatives they put me in a foster care agency for a week. During the week they looked for relatives but couldn't find any so they put me in a foster home.

    The first foster home wasn't that bad the other children were very nice to me and the foster parents treated me like I was their own but you can't stay at one home forever so in a few months I went to another home and everything went down hill from there.

    The next family was terrible. I was the youngest of the kids. All of them were teens and they would always scare and prank me. One time they got me so bad I couldn't sleep for a few nights

    The parents weren't any better the father would always hit me and send me to sleep without dinner so I was pretty skinny. The social worker found out and I was moved to a new house and the kids were taken away from them.

    You'd think that it would get better but it just got worse until the fith house. That home was the worst when everything met dcfs's standards or it looked like it. Clothes check, bed check, food check. It seemed normal till the social worker left.

It was late and time for bed I was about to get in the bed when the father sam came up to me. "What do you think your doing!", he yelled. "Going to sleep" I replied timidly. Not in that bed you sleep on the floor!", he yelled. "B..but..." i stutered sudenly SMACK! "ow!", I whimpered as I fell to the floor due to the impact of the blow. Tears began to form in my eyes. "FLOOR NOW!!", he growled. "Y..yes s..sir" I said and layed on the carpet. "Don't dirty the carpet with your filth!", he roared and kicked me in the stomach making me roll onto the wood flooring.

"Argh", I squealed. "Good night rat", he said then walked out of the room. They would barely feed me and beat me almost every day. One day sam raped me.

The social woker came back to tell me I was getting adopted in a month. The door was open when they arrived and saw sam beating me they called the cops and Sam and his wife got arrested.

The social worker took me and I got adopted into a big family called the Mclains at 8 years old. It was pretty good they treated me well like a real family and I was happy for awhile. I started school and things got bad

I struggled in class getting terrible grades making my new family mad at me. They started calling me things like "worthless" and "trash" not to mention I got bullied at school.

I had enough so when I was old enough I joined the garrison to get away from it all. That didn't work though I was laughed at and picked on because I was bad at piloting and always compared to Keith. The only good thing is that I befriended Hunk and Pidge. Then we found Shiro and now I'm here."

I finished talking and looked at L and saw that she was crying. She rushed towards me and gave me a hug "I'm sorry Lance, I'm so sorry" L said as tears rolled down her tan face.

Why is she sorry? "You don't have to be sorry you didn't do anything", I said. "It's my fault if I did a better job at keeping you safe this wouldn't have happened!", she sobbed. "What do you mean your fault?", I asked. Her fiery eyes widened like she just realized what she said.

"I can't say, you'll know when the time is right Lance", L said. Just then things started getting blurry. "What's happening?", I asked. "Your waking up Lance, listen no matter what they say you are not a disappointment and are a good paladin. I'll be here when you need me" L said. Her voice started to fade."Good bye ..nce ta.. ca.e s..y safe my ......." the dream faded and I woke up.

I have over 1k reads I'm so happy! In honor of this I will do a questions and answers so ask away in the comments I will answer them even if their about the story but I won't answer questions that are too personal or are major spoilers.

Also i'm thinking of shipping L with someone and you get to pick. You have two choices

1. L x Lotor

2. L x Shiro

Why are these your only options? Because of L's age.

Thanks for your support!

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