Chapter 8

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I'm back! I apologize for the long wait.

(Keith Point of View)

I walked into the dining room to grab lance and I a bowl of food goo. In the room was shiro sitting in one of the chairs with the others around him deep in conversation. The noise of the door opening and closing grabbed their attention causing them to turn their heads toward me.

'Please let Shiro not remember,' I internally begged to whatever space gods were out there. "Keith perfect timing we were about to call a team meeting," Shiro said after noticing my presence in the room. "Ok, I'll go get lance," I responded before turning around and began to head back to my room.

"Don't!" Shiro said standing up from his chair. 'He knows!' I internally panicked. Keeping a straight face I turned around slowly before speaking,"Why not?" I demanded.

"Lance is Lance this is something secretive and I dont think he can keep one," Shiro stated plainy as he shrugged his shoulders. "He can keep a secret!" I yelled brimming with rage. "Tell me you guys don't agree!" I snapped at the others. One by one they all agreed including Coran.

Then pidge crossed her arms and said, "I don't but it's me against everyone else I'm out voted,"the anger barely noticeable in her tone. "Even you hunk lance is your best friend!" I yelled trying my best not to punch someone. "I know man but Lance and his flirting have a high chance of giving away a secret, " Hunk replied resting his arm on my back.

I scowled at him then turned to Coran."You too?" I asked annoyance clear in my voice. He responded with a simple nod. "Fine lets get this over with," I huffed before sitting in the chair across of shiro. After I sat every one else took a seat as well.  Allura took a deep breath and then spoke, "You see Keith Shiro was attacked last night and we don't know who the attacker was"

'Thank the Space gods' I praised in my mind truly thankful that Shiro didn't know it was lance."Really, are you okay Shiro?" I aked lacing my voice in false concern. Honestly I could care less about him. This entire time I've been keeping my self from stangling him but not before I chopped his ◆◇◆◇ off.

( I'm trying to keep this child friendly)

" I'm doing alright, "Shiro said as he smiled at me. Oh how badly I wanted to beat that disgusting smile of his face."Anyways,  When he was attacked there were traces of magic I think we might have an uninvited visitor in the castle," Allura continued. "So we search to find them. Why can't we tell Lance?" I asked wondering how in the world is that a secret. 

"Voltron has a good reputation for defense and if word got out that we have an intruder they might loose their faith in us. And with all his flirting it might slip out," Coran answered looking at the floor clearly uncomfortable with the words coming from his mouth.

"Lance can be a bit of a flirt but he wouldn't spill secrets!" Pidge exclaimed bringing her fists down on the table. She then proceeded to storm out. "I have to agree," I said glaring at them before grabbing two bowls of food goo and heading out towards my room. Not minding the looks of shock and fear from the others as I did so.

A/N: I'm sorry for making you all wait this long I was out of ideas and had no idea how to continue. I managed to get my sister to help me continue writing by giving me suggestions on what to do next. I'm officially on Summer break so I'm going to try and update more often. Since I left you all hanging I'll let you guys pick something I can do to make it up to you.

Vote for L's Ship

L x Shiro

L x Lotor


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