Chapter 6

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(Lance point of view)

My eyes slowly opened and I was greeted by the familiar sight of the strange forest from my dream. As I look around I realize I'm still by the river.

A figure quickly moves towards me and tackles me to the ground. "I'm sorry that I couldn't protect you," the figure says with pure sorrow in their voice.

"It's fine L not much you could do being in my dreams and all," I say back. I started feeling water on me and realized that she was crying.

I began to rub her back saying," It's fine I'm all right," trying to comfort her. After awhile she stopped crying and got off me.

"Lance you do know I'm a real person right?" She says look at me with an Are you serious? Type of look. What she said shocked me.

"Wait you are?" I ask in confusion. 
"Yes I am and you probably already know I'm an Altean  and since you know Allura you should know Alteans have magic. I'm using it to speak to you in dreams," L said looking like she wanted to facepalm.

" Why me?" I asked. "Because you are you. Others may not realize it you may even not realize it your self but you are special. You may think that's a bad thing but it's not, there's more than what meets the eye and you have great potential. Whether or not you remember only time can tell but know that I will be by your side always," L replied embracing me in a hug.

"You really mean that?" I asked with a slight bit of happiness. "I do, also if I ever meet Shiro in person know he will get the beating of a lifetime," L replied with sincerity which turned to rage at the end.

"Also what do you mean by remember?" She then released me from the warm embrace and said," You'll find out eventually anyways Good luck."

"Why?" I asked with a puzzled expression on my face. Suddenly she and the forest began to fade away until all I could see was pitch black.

Truth of My Past(Altean lance){Hiatus}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora