Health/Story Update

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A/N: The First Paragraph is posted on my Profile conversation thing.

Hey, How have y'all been? A few months ago on some of my stories I mentioned having health issues from severe pain. As of Today I'm officially diagnosed with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis(JIA). Thankfully it's treatable but I'm going to be on meds for awhile. I won't be able to do much because the condition affects my joints and the meds will make my immune system weak. I'm going to be more active with my fanfics because of this.

"Truth of My Past" will be returning sometime in November. When it returns I'll be having a new update schedule for it. In the meantime I hope you'd be willing to check out any of my other works.

I have an Ao3 now under the same name and profile pic. Most of the stories on Wattpad are also on Ao3. Only one fic from here isn't and vice versa. I'm going to include my social media accounts at the end of this. I also recently started streaming on Twitch in an attempt to find something to do while I'm forced to live the couch potato life. Would any of you be interested in watching me write fanfics as well as add input?

Anyways thank you to those that are still reading despite all the Hiatus's I've taken and hope you continue to do so.

Instagram: gin_no_sakura
Tik Tok:SilverBell2005
Twitch: SilverBell2005
Funimate: SilverBell2005
Ao3: SilverBell2005

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2021 ⏰

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