Chapter 5

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(Lance point of view)

The dream faded and I slowly opened my eyes. I was lying on my bed hearing knocking on my door.

"Lance my boy it's time for dinner" Coran yelled from the other side of the door. "I'll be there in a bit", I responded.  I  slowly began to get out of my bed. My arms were sore and still bleeding from earlier.

I headed to the bathroom and bandaged my arms. Then I put on my jacket making sure it's covered my wrist and headed out to the dinning area.

I walked into the room quietly hearing all the chatter die down at my arrival.  I slowly take a seat next to Keith. Coran speaks first and says," I'm pretty sure some of you have Something to say to Lance."

"We're sorry about earlier," Shiro and Allura say unwillingly. 'I'm pretty sure they don't mean it and are only apologizing because Coran made them but whatever' . "No need to apologize I already forgive you," I say with the happiest voice and brightest smile I could muster.

After dinner I headed towards my room
halfway to my room I'm approached by Shiro. "Hey Shiro," I say smiling like an idiot.

Shiro then uses his robot arm to grab me by the collar and slam me into the wall.*bam* " Just because I apologized doesn't mean that I'm serious your still useless trash," Shiro says angrily. His grip on my throat tightening.

"Shiro I...I... can't...breath,"I say gaping for air as I clawed at Shiro's hand trying to get him to release me.
"That's good you don't deserve to breathe the same air as us," Shiro spat.

As my breath began to run out I started crying 'I don't want to die I need to do something quick' I was panicking and didn't know what to do. My vision began to blur in my mind all I could think was 'No!'.

At that moment a blinding blue light flashed and my conscious began to fade. As my sight faded I saw a figure rapidly approach me.

"" a familiar voice said. With that my world went pitch black.

Who is the Familiar voice? Keep reading to find out. Lol. Also I'm going to try and finish chapter 5 by today and upload it.

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