Story Update/Important Info

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Hello readers, I am an idiot. After writing chapter 9 I planed to re write parts of the story and do a grammar and spelling check. The plot is going to stay mostly the same with a few things added, redone, or removed. That's not why I'm an idiot though. I also decided that I want to finish the entire story before I start updating chapters so I can just post at my own pace without stressing about finishing chapters. I just realized I never told you guys and left you all to wonder what happened. I'm about halfway done with finishing what I have for this book so updates will probably start again in a few months.

I can't make any promises for sure though on when it'll be updated again. I'm currently dealing with health issues that happened out of nowhere. I've been dealing with pain coming and going all over my body for almost two months. Some of the areas where the pain shows up a lot are my wrists, hands, and shoulders which make writing hard. I have a doctor's appointment on the 18th to finally get whatever's happening under wraps.

I want to do another Q & A though and will answer questions about both the book and myself. For questions about the story as long as it's not considered a big spoiler I will answer.

Thank you my readers that have continued to support this story despite all the Hiatus's I've taken.

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