Q and A I guess.....

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The video is from a youtube channel called cutiecreampuff lol They are really good at animating so go check them out also I'm going to start using drawn pictures and the pictures will either be drawn by me or cutiecreampuff lol

You guys hurt my feelings I said I was going to do a Q and A but no one asked any questions :(

so I had my friends pick questions

1. Who is L?

L is an Altean girl.......I'm not saying anything else because then it'll be spoilers, not Q & A but I will say that L isn't her full name her name starts with L. What do you think her name is?

2. Why did you write this?

I was bored and had an idea

Questions from readers

3. How old are you?

I'm sorry but I'm not answering that

4. What's your name?

I don't feel comfortable saying it but you guys can call me Bell.

5. Do you have pets?

Yes, I have a dog and a parrot

6. Who is your favorite character in Voltron?

Lance because I know the pain of being put down

7. What's your favorite ice cream?

It's between rocky road and cookie dough

8. Who do you ship in voltron and other Animes?

Voltron I'm between klance and lancelot don't judge me as for other animes that's a bit much so say specific animes otherwise I might write enough for an entire book series.

9. What's your sexuality?
Pansexual I think.

10. Requirements for relationship?
1) Respect me
2) respect my family
3) respect my friends
4) they won't leach off me
5) they like me personality not face and body.
6) they will wait for marriage

10. Season?

If you mean season of voltron I love them all if you mean season as in one of the four seasons I like spring.

11. You have a crush or dating anyone?

I did have a crush but he moved away. I'm not dating anyone because I don't feel comfortable in a relationship after my first boyfriend.

12. Best freind?

Her name is Jessica. She is one of the few who stuck with me through middle school.

So that's it you guys can still ask Questions and I'll put them in this and answer so bye!

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