Prologue Part 2

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Hey, so yeah I'm going to continue this story, because of the horrible cliffhanger ending I gave you all. So I hope you like this short little prologue! The chapters I post after this will be much longer. Anyways thanks for reading<3 -Sam(:

Prologue Part 2

"Hi," I greeted and leaned across the counter

"Hey," Henry said and slid me a paper bag across the scratched up wooden surface, "brought you lunch."

"Thanks, I was beginning to think I would have to eat Mr. Golber," I said, referring to the goldfish lazily swimming about in the bowl next to the cash register. I grabbed the bag and opened it.

"You got me a Big Mac and chicken nuggets!" I exclaimed and then closed the bag. "I hope you like your girls big, because I'm going to get fat from all the junk food you keep feeding me." I joked, but when he didn't joke back, I looked up to see him frowning, "I was just kidding," I said, and laughed half heartily.

He blinked, " Hmmm, oh yeah sorry, sounds great."

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Is there something wrong? You only tune me out when I start talking about shoes, or when something is bugging you, and I haven't mentioned anything about the cute flats I just bought yesterday, so what's up?"

Just then I noticed the newspaper tucked under his arm. "What's that?" I asked, pointing to it.

He removed the newspaper from under his armpit and gently tossed it onto the counter. My eyes immediately fell onto the heading of the article on the front page reading, Sixth Suspected Victim in the String of Serial Kidnapping Confirmed. The article below then went on to list the similarities the disappearance had to the other five.

I brushed a stray curl away from my eyes "Was it another-"

"Yes," Henry said, cutting me off before I could finish my question, "It was another half."

"Do you think it means that-"

" G-"

"Stop cutting me off and let me finish my sentences!" I yelled cutting him off this time. "I heard or read somewhere that good couples are supposed to be able to finish each other sentences... or maybe it was Twin's...but you already maxed out capacity for the day!"

Henry sighed, but it was one of fake annoyance, "Go on then,"

I gave him a toothy smile "Thanks." I said and became serious again. "Do you think Greta is behind all these recent disappearances?"

"Know anyone else that wants to kidnap halfs?"


"Then there's your answer."

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