♢Chapter 22

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So I can't believe we are on chapter 22! I remember writing the first chapter. Anyways here's the update I promised since I got four votes(: So I'm really going to try to start tieing things up, I want this story to be over so badly. I don't know how people can write entire series. I have so many other story ideas, that I want to do, but, I'm determined to finish this story! So, no updates until I get 11 votes, so that means the number of votes on this story needs to be 90! Anyways enjoy, I think that the very few people reading this will enjoy it. Thanks for reading<3 -Sam

"Mom, oh no mom!" Emily, cried as she knelt beside Miss Howl, who lay bloodied, pale, and motionless on the ground. Her other kids stood nearby, with dazed looks on their faces. Beside her laid Neeva, my father, pale and out cold.

"Emily, move!" Emily's dad commanded and gently pushed Emily away from her injured mother. He knelt beside her on the ground and began examining his wife.

"This can't be real," I whispered and still feeling like this had to be a nightmare I started drifting towards the Howl family.

When Emily saw me coming, she shot to her feet and barred her teeth at me in a snarl. I stopped in my tracks, shocked expression my normally smiling friend was wearing. She pointed a shaky finger at me. "Don't you dare come any closer, this is all your fault."


"No, I don't want to hear it. No matter how many times you say it, Vi, it's never going to make it better!" and with that Emily burst into tears. She backed up a couple of steps, then went barreling into the woods at full speed, leaving me in her dust.

I hesitated for a split second, before giving chase; I was not sure of what else to do. I stopped when I heard someone say my name loudly.

"Violet," My mother called. I turned away from the spot in the undergrowth I had just seen Emily disappear into, to see my mom kneeling beside my father. "Leave her alone for a bit. Her mother's hurt, and she's scared for her. Fear makes us into people we don't even recognize."

My body felt like it was being weighed down by stones, but I still managed to force myself to walk over to her and Neeva.

I turned to Emily's father. "Is Mrs.H going to be alright?"

Emily's dad turned his attention from his wife to me. He looked like he had aged ten years in a span of minutes. "Her injuries could be worse. She should be up and walking in a week and a half."

"Is that really true dad?!" Carson, Emily's little brother, said. His young face looked hopeful.

"Yeah is it!?" Kami, Emily's older sister, chimed in.

Emily's dad nodded at his children. Kami and Carson both high fived each other, but I couldn't help noticing how skeptical Emily's Dad looked.

Not wanting to think about it anymore; I crouched down into a kneeling position beside Neeva. "What's wrong with him?" I asked my mom, and pressed my hand against his forehead; his skin was burning up.

"If I would have to make a guess, I would say it was magic exhaustion. The only cure for it is rest." My mother pointed across the lake at the cabin, "I think our best bet is bunking down there for the night."

"I'll go check it out," Danny volunteered. The sound of his voice surprised me, I had almost forgotten he was with us with all the drama going on.

He took off his shirt and tossed it casually on the ground. I gulped when I saw the rippling muscles underneath, he took off his pants then, and kicked off his shoes, until he was in nothing but his boxers. He walked to the edge of the lake. I watched from the shore, in never ceasing amazement, as he launched himself into the water, and propelled himself across the large lake in a matter of minutes. His small figure disappeared inside the cabin, once he reached the other side.

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