Part 2 Chapter 47

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AN; Guys keep reading I promise we will get back to the magic world soon.

Nessie gracefully floated in sky with ease, the warm breeze below us carried her graceful frame through the air.

Once in the sky I looked down at the Alyzzea's house below us. I saw that the exterior had been painted black with white trimmings around its boarders. Five towers rose up from its roof into the heavens and all five of their peaks looked sharp enough to impale a dragon and its two riders. For a brief second I could've sworn I saw a figure standing on one of the pointy towers but I blinked and it was gone.

The rest of the land surrounding the house was consumed by a lush thick forest below. The canopy was so think that one could not see the ground from the air. The trees were split only by a lonely road that wound itself into the night.

Something moving in the darkness on that very same road caught my eye. Whatever it was, there were several of it and they were large. The unidentified objects lumbered forward surprisingly gracefully for something of their size. I counted thirteen of the mysterious things.

"Hey Henry, looked down there at the road. Are those...what do you call them... tanks?"

Henry looked down,"Yeah I think, I guess we discovered what Alyzzea and her cult friends were riding in," Henry said, but his voice sounded worried. We surpassed them, only for Nessie to turn around and circle back so we were behind them once again

"What's wrong?" I asked while Nessie once again circled above the tanks ambling up the narrow road.

"I'm not sure why they would need such highly armored vehicles, unless wherever we are going, it's going to be rough getting there."

"Well at least we have Nessie to help if things got rough. But I don't think Alyzzea would have let Arnold travel their on his clay doll if it was that dangerous," I pointed out.

"I don't think that little dwarf bag gave them much of a choice. He practically ran out the door, after stealing the location. For being as smart as he is, he really doesn't think sometimes."

"Didn't we just kind of practically run out the door to go ride on Nessie?" I asked and unscrewed the lid of the bottle. I brought the bottle to my mouth and took a small gulp. I winced again at the burning sensation in my throat.

"No," Henry replied. "I had discussed it carefully with her while you were passed out on the couch. She wasn't exactly thrilled with us traveling separately but I made it very clear she didn't really have a choice, especially since she didn't even know how her and her cult friends were getting to the place this ritual is occurring at. She did make me promise we would stay close to her."

"Oh I see."

We rode in comfortable silence for what seemed like half an hour. I continued to sip on green liquid and Henry continued flying Nessie in continuous circles around the tanks. Eventually the forest thinned out to fields, and the fields gave way to what appeared to be a little town, but no light emanated from any of the houses or buildings.

Something suddenly caught my eye and caused me to jerk out of the relaxed trance I had fallen under."Hey, Henry what is that?" I asked, pointing to the ground. I could see lots of movement on the road up in front of the tanks.

"Fire!" Henry suddenly commanded and instantly a plum of fire billowed out of Nessie's mouth. What it illuminated made me gasp in horror.

There had to be at least a hundred drooling people milling around in the road in front of the tank. When the tank came into what I guess was their view, they began to slowly lumber towards it.

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