christmas eve with the avengers {p.p}

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May pulls up to the cabin with a wide grin, and I grab Peter's hand as I try not to bounce right out of my seat. "Can you believe it? We get to spend Christmas together." I cheer and beam at my boyfriend, "For the first time since we met, we'll be in the same country for the holidays. No Thanos, no impending doom, or anything to worry about besides whether or not we'll like each others gifts or if Thor will find our snack stash."

"It will be nice. Won't it?" He asks as we both look out at the cabin. "Mr. Stark even told me it's supposed to snow."

"Really? I've always wanted a white Christmas." I pause and revise myself, "Well, at least getting to celebrate one. Last time that happened for me, I was getting shot at by Hydra."

"Well, I'm just glad you'll have a chance to celebrate." Peter smiles and presses a kiss to my temple. "Trust me, I'm gonna make sure it's great."

"Literally you just being with me and not having to fight already makes it awesome." I press a kiss to his cheek and hop out to help May with the luggage. "I still can't believe this! A real Christmas!"

We barely get a few bags unloaded before Tony comes rushing out with a beaming smile. "I thought you would never make it."

"Yeah, yeah." I laugh and give him a hug. "Thank you so much for inviting us."

"Well, I wasn't going to miss a chance to celebrate after everything that's happened." There's a sad tone to his voice as smiles softly at me. "You been doing okay since—?"

"I've been getting better. It's been hard with Bucky off in Wakanda, SHIELD no longer needing me, and Nat—gone." He nods as shows me inside. "All the more reason I'm excited for this."

"She literally hasn't stopped talking about it since you called us." Peter adds as he carries our suitcases inside. "So, who all is here so far?"

"Almost everyone, which means it's gonna be a tight fit." He glances over at us with a smirk.

"No funny business though."

"I'm not even gonna justify that with a reply." Peter just laughs as I walk away with a grin. The two of them continue to talk as I find the others and join the chaos of the Avengers. Thor is playing with Morgan, Sam and Bucky are playing some odd game, and Pepper is talking with May as they lounge on the couch. I sneak up behind Bucky and put my hand over his eyes.

He startles and grabs my wrists out of reflex in the split second before he realizes who it is. As he does, the game with Sam is long forgotten as he turns and wraps me in the tightest hug imaginable. "You made it. Nice to see you again, kiddo."

"Of course, did you really think I was gonna miss this?!" I question and hug him back. "I've missed you guys so much. I honestly didn't realize just how mind-numbingly boring civilian life is."

"It takes some adjusting, but I would've thought it'd be a welcome change for you." Sam replies as I take a seat between him and Bucky. "You know, not getting shot at all the time or constantly saving the world."

"I'm not saying it's not. It's just been hard for me, and I can't seem to figure out what to do with my time or what I'm even good at besides the obvious." I let out a sigh and look over to where Peter is playing with Thor and Morgan. "Peter's been amazing though. I'm honestly surprised I haven't driven him crazy yet with how often I tag along on his patrol's or rebuilding his legos and computer a hundred times over."

Bucky and Sam offer each other a look, and I smack them both upside the head as a reminder to be nice. "Hey, all I was gonna say is that it's good to know he's making you happy. Because if he wasn't, I'd have to gave a word with him."

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