something special

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Request by AO3 user SeaweedBrain

The interviewer smiled cheerily as everyone settled down for the next round of interviews in what seemed like a never ending string of them for the press tour. It's been a constant rush from one place to the other, but we learn to love it as a part of the job.

I watch from a corner of the room without the knowledge of my dad or boyfriend. Both of whom are doing a set of interviews together before we all reconvene to round it out with a final, group interview. But since I finished a little bit early, I was able to sneak in and watch.

They go through the usual questions—life on set, working with cast, and the feeling of being a superhero. Once those formalities are out of the way, the real questions start getting asked. "So, Robert, your daughter plays a character in this movie. How does it feel to be hollywoods dream father-daughter duo?"

"It's wonderful. Plus, it's nice to be able to working on a project together for the first time. We always have the chance to spend time together."

"And I hear she's playing Peter Parker's love interest, while also dating you, Tom? How does that make it for you three?"

Tom shakes his head with a laugh. "Interesting."

Although, at the same moment, my dad interjects with, "Awkward." The two of them turn to each other with a funny look shared between them. "Shut up, Holland. You don't know what you're talking about yet. Wait until you have a kid and are in the same situation. Trust me, it gets awkward."

The interviewer laughs as she crosses her legs and preps for the next question. "How did the two of you meet?"

"We actually met last year on set of Spiderman: Homecoming. She was coming to hang out with Robert." I smile and bite my lip as I remember the day we met. "A lot of the cast had been invited to Downeytown and hang out. So when I got there, I was already so nervous because—Robert Downey Jr.—and that's when I saw her."

Tom drops his head as a smile creeps across his face. "It was one of those weird moments when things don't seem quite real. She was dancing around and singing along to the song playing like she was performing. That's about the time she ran into me."

I clamp a hand over my mouth to bite back the laugh threatening to escape me, but no one else bothers to hide theirs. "I swear, I have never seen her turn so red in her entire life." Dad adds with a laugh. "She just stood there with doe eyes and turned crimson. Meanwhile, he stood there with his mouth wide open, completely dumbstruck."

"What can I say? She was the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. I honestly couldn't believe she was real, much less standing in front of me." Tom shakes his head as that same dreamy look he gets takes over his eyes. "I swear it was worse when I finally asked her out. She's honestly one of the best people I have ever known, and when she said yes, I thought I was going crazy."

"I still can't believe it happened either, but they seem to make each other very happy."

The interviewer beams at the gold she seems to have struck. Mostly because it's not often that Dad will chime in about the relationship. Which, unfortunately, has lead quite a few people to believe that he doesn't approve. "Well, sadly, that is all of my time for this interview. Thank you for everything."

Dad and Tom both chime in with their usual thanks and responses, and I wait until they're all finished before joining them. "So, I was the most gorgeous girl you've ever seen, huh?" I tease as I wrap an arm around Tom's shoulders from behind.

"Nope." He chimes as he turns toward me. "You are the most gorgeous girl I've ever seen. There's nothing past tense about it."

A laugh escapes me and I press a quick kiss to his lips. "You are such an idiot sometimes."

Peter Parker & Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now