tagged like a photo

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I was tagged by the lovely chalupa_tyler and SuperNova-Gwen to do this. So here it goes!

10 things about me:

1. I've been writing since I was a kid and recently found out my mom kept ALL my little "marker made on printed paper and stapled with child hands books."

2. A lot of people compliment my natural handwriting but don't know that I had to be tutored in penmanship as a child.

3. In case you can't tell, I love all things Marvel.

4. Spiderman is my favorite superhero (aside from ones of my own imagination) and has been since I was a kid and watched the first Spiderman movie (the SUPER cheesy ones with Toby Maguire that still has a few charms).

5. I'm a Ravenclaw. (Although, on certain days, I consider myself more of a Hufflepuff and am proud to claim either house.)

6. My favorite color changes all the time, but right now, it's a tie between yellow and blue.

7. I adore vintage things (which is where the idea for my username came from). Ancient Greek, Art Nouveau, and Art Deco are my favorite styles though.

8. My favorite books are always changing depending on what I've read most recently, but I can say without a doubt that V.E. Schwab is my favorite author.

9. I keep a jacket with all my favorite pins and patches on. It's one of my favorite things to wear.

10. I've always wanted to live in a Hobbit hole (even for a day). They always look so cozy and comfortable. Plus, my dad often calls me a "hobbit" so I like to think I'd fit right in.

I'm not sure that I have 28 people to tag, so if you're reading this, consider yourself tagged. You're it! (Also, simply_jenna3000 , I'm tagging you.)

Joke (prepare to not laugh, cause it's kind of lame):

You heard the rumor going around about butter? ...Never mind, I shouldn't spread it.

Spoiler: One of my stories (not gonna say which one) is going to have a unexpected death. Prepare yourselves.

(Here are the rules since it's hard to read the picture: within three days—say who tagged you, write 10 things about yourself, give the tag a name, tell a joke, and write a spoiler for one of your stories. Enjoy! 🥰)

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