beyond the lights pt.1 {p.p}

468 11 18

Peter's POV

"C'mon, Peter, you need to have fun. You're a teenager. It's high school. You're supposed to be out there having fun and making new friends." Aunt May tells me as I pick at my dinner. "Just try to join another club. That's all I'm asking. I just want to see you be happy again."

I let out a sigh. Aunt May has been bugging me about finding something to do after school. She keeps asking me about the different options and pestering me about joining. "I think I might have something in mind." I pipe up without much thought, and the smile she gives me makes me realize how much this means to her.

"Really? What is it?"

"Well, I was thinking—maybe—I could try for a part in the drama club's play?" I tell her, but it ends up as more of a question than a statement. May's smile widens as she happily chatters about how excited she is and peppers me with questions. I try to pay attention, but my mind is still adrift.

"So—" May drags out the sound and bounces in her chair, "—what made you choose Drama Club?"

My hands go clammy, and the blood drains from my face. One particular face comes to mind, but I can't tell May that I chose Drama Club because of the girl I have a crush on. I mean, she's not the only reason. And maybe that's a lie.

"No reason." I mumble and finish my dinner. Still, I can't stop thinking about Y/N, the shy girl who shocked everyone in her first performance at Midtown. She's the one who endures more bullying than I do and is still kind. And despite what everyone calls her—robot, zombie—I still think she's one of the most amazing people I've met, even with our limited conversations.

So yeah, I'm gonna audition this week as a chance to get to know Y/N better. 'Cause if I can face down criminals on a daily basis, this should be nothing. Right?


I was so wrong. This is way more terrifying than a bunch of criminals. But there she sits, towards the middle of the auditorium on the end of the row like she always does. Her hair is falling in her face, knee bouncing as she anxiously reads through the audition piece she was telling me about in Bio.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" I whisper to Y/N and motion to the seat next to her. She looks up at me with wide eyes in shock before nodding her head. "So which part are you auditioning for?"

She smiles softly at me and leans closer so we can hear each other easier without getting into trouble. "Daya, the main characters cousin. What about you? You're here to audition, right?"

I shake my head as I try to process what she just said. "Yeah, I'm auditioning, but—" I take a moment to sort through my thoughts, "—but you're not going for the main part?"

Her cheeks twinge pink, and she avoids looking at me. "No, I—I couldn't do that. They would never want me for her character. I'm not talented enough for it."

"Are you kidding me, Y/N? You could totally be the lead. They would be crazy not to give you the part. You're crazy talented and perfect for it." I tell her, but she only shakes her head and locks her gaze back on her audition form. "How about this then? If you agree to audition for Elysia, then I'll audition for the male lead, Tom."

"Wait, you would really do that? Just to get me to go for the lead?" She questions once again meeting my eye, and it takes me a moment to realize that she's stopped bouncing her knee or shaking like before. "Why?"

"Because—" I struggle to come up with an excuse that won't sound creepy, "—because you deserve to at least take a shot at what you deserve—which is the lead role. So yeah, if it means putting myself outside my comfort zone to do it, I will."

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