rules of heartbreak pt.6

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A/N: this is getting posted a day(ish) early for my most dedicated reader and friend chalupa_tyler who has been ecstatic over every part of this story. Thank you, Emma. I hope you enjoy this!

"Tom, I—" my words are interrupted by the blaring of my ringtone through the hallway. My mind immediately starts to reel. No one calls me, much less this late, which means something is wrong.

As if he can feel my worry, Tom immediately steps aside as I race to grab my phone from where I had tossed it on the bed. My fingers were I had tossed it on the bed. My fingers struggle to answer the phone and press it to my ear. "Hello?"

The voice on the other end is calm amidst the muffled chaos in the background. "Hello, is this Y/N L/N?"

"Yes." I reply already feeling my stomach drop to the floor.

"I'm sorry to be calling at this hour, Miss. I'm calling from St. Bards since you're listed as the emergency contact for M/N—" The rest of what they say is lost as my phone slides from my hand.

I turn around and run out of the room, shouting for Harrison. He and Tom both stare at me incredulously and worrisome. "We have to go—St. Bard's—my mum." It comes out in hasty, raspy slurs, but it's enough to spark them into action.

Harrison immediately grabs keys and a pair of my shoes when he notices me racing around barefoot, and Tom's hand finds mine as we run out of the house.


"This is all my fault." I whisper, entirely numb and cried out. Tom hasn't let go of my hand since we left, and at my words he gives it a tight squeeze. "I should have said something sooner; let someone—anyone—help."

Harrison climbs out of the seat next to me and kneels on the floor so we make eye contact. His crystal blue eyes are bloodshot and still filled with tears. "Don't you dare say that. Nothing about this is your fault. Even the doctors said her body wouldn't have survived detox if you got her help. She was already gone."

I nod somberly. It's true; I lost my mum long ago. Except now, there's not even a corrupted version of her that exists. "I know; it's just I feel like I should have done more. She was my mum. She wasn't supposed to leave me like this."

Harrison goes to say something more but is pulled away by my aunt calling him back. So Tom takes over for him as he laces his fingers through mine and presses a gentle kiss to my head. "I told you, Tom, everyone leaves." I mumble, "They always leave."

"Sometimes it's not a choice," he whispers, "but non one can stay if you never give them the chance."

It's quiet for a long time between us as I consider his statement. Maybe he's right, and maybe this won't end in heartbreak. Maybe it's worth the risk—he's worth the risk.

"Okay." I mumble and turn toward him. "Okay, I'll give you a chance, but you have to know it may take time. I don't mind if you don't want to wait for me to sort things out."

Tom just smiles softly and presses a light kiss to my forehead and stares into my eyes. "Oh, love, for you, I'd wait an eternity."

1 year later

I look around the room and can't help but smile. Tom and Harrison took a break from Tom's filming so they could be with me right now. Because today marks one year since I lost my mum. It's still hard to believe that they cared so much that they came back just to make sure I wasn't alone.

My mind goes back over the past year. All the breakdowns, the work to sort myself out, and the people who stood by me through it all—like Tom, who has kept the promise he made and more.

He's waited and stood by me, which the media adores that he's so devoted to his 'mystery girl.' What they don't know are the struggles, the late night calls, and the overwhelming support he's given me.

I watch him from my resting place against his chest. We agreed to watch a movie once the guys got settled, and it didn't take long for Haz to pass out from jet lag and Tom and I to curl up together beneath a blanket.

His eyes are alight with humor at the movie. The light of the screen is casting shadows that perfectly highlight his features. His fingers absentmindedly fiddle with my own as the others run through my hair. And that's when it hits me.

"Hey, Tom," I whisper as I push myself up and look at him, "can I talk to you for a second?"

"Of course, darling," he replies and directs all his attention to me as if the movie never existed.

I bite my lip in worry as I try to sort my thoughts, which makes Tom's features crinkle in worry. "Obviously, you know that a year ago, I lost my mum. That same night I made a choice—to give you—to give us a chance. And the words you told me, I still haven't forgotten."

"For you, I'd wait an eternity." Tom whispers knowingly with a nervous smile and brushes my hair from my face.

"Exactly. And well—this year has certainly felt like an eternity, but you've waited and supported me through everything." I fight back tears as I pull my gaze from my fidgeting fingers to meet Tom's gaze. "So, that being said. Thomas Stanley Holland, would you do consider giving me a chance to be called your girlfriend?"

"No," He states without hesitation, and my heart nearly breaks right then. But he continues quickly before I can get carried away, "No, I don't need to consider it. Because from now on, I am officially calling you my girlfriend."

I smile and lean forward to close the distance between us. Our lips meet for the first time in a year, and it feels so much greater than I remembered or imagined. Tom smiles when we parts and rests a hand on my cheek as he traces my features with his thumb. "Are you sure you want it to be today though? We can always wait so our anniversary isn't on such a rough day."

I shake my head vehemently. "No, today is perfect. Because, after everything we've been through, I think we deserve to make something ugly into something beautiful. I'd rather celebrate today and forget to mourn." Tom just smiles and softly kisses me again. "Also," I whisper against his lips, "I know this is super early in our official relationship to say this, but I love you."

Tom lets out a deep sigh, "Oh thank goodness. I was afraid I would have to wait to say 'I love you too.' You're the best thing that has happened to me, Y/N L/N, and just so you know, I plan on sticking around forever if you'll have me. Heck, I wanna marry you one day."

"I think I'd like that." I smile and rest my forehead against his, relishing the feeling of loving someone and being truly loved in return. Because for the first time in my life, I see a future that doesn't consist of me being alone. I see myself happy, content, and loved. All of it with Tom by my side. And I finally feel hopeful about what's to come.

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