Special Chapter: Lucifairy

Start from the beginning

So he's here, and my noona and hyungs are all hiding, as if they know something I don't. What was it? Out of curiosity, I followed Y/n and her dog man into the kitchen.

She was standing by that thingamabob they call the sink. Noona Sparklepuss told me once that place was dangerous, but I'm too curious right now to mind the warning so I jump on the counter to where Y/n's at to get a better look.

Normally I wasn't allowed up here, but Y/n never scolded me if that old human man wasn't around, so I know I'm safe.

"Oh! There's my sweetie!" She greets me with a kiss on the nose and I reciprocate with a headbutt to her chin. Why does my scent never stay on her long enough? The dog man's smell is always there so I scent her again for good measure, using my whole body for the act this time, ignoring the way she spits out the fur in her mouth.

This is when my eye catches onto something more interesting! Y/n's hand in the sink has produced something. What is it? It trickles from the faucet so I bat at it with a paw.

Oddly, it comes back wet. What is that?!? I hiss at it, hoping it'll get the message that I HATE IT, but it ignores me and keeps falling into the sink. HOW DARE IT IGNORE ME?!?

"Lucifairy do you want your first bath?" Y/n's voice breaks through the building anger inside of me.

"What is bath?" I meow at her.

Her eyes widen and she picks me up and cuddles me to her chest. I love her chest. It's so warm and squishy here! Whatever she's got under there make the best pillows.

"Namjoon, she answered me, did you see that?"

"Yes." The dog man answers her and doesn't sound half as excited as she does.

Why is she excited? I only answered her question. She's so silly.

"Look," her voice causes her chest to vibrate under my ear and I cuddle into her more. "You're gonna have to help me hold her. I know you don't believe me but this cat can be...a handful."

Y/n is the only one who doesn't call me crazy. She's the coolest human.

Just as I think that, however, she pulls me from her chest and closer to that awful enemy dripping into the sink.

"Luci," she holds me up and looks me in the eye, "you aren't going to like this, and I'm really sorry. But don't worry! I'll make it really fast. Just be a good girl, ok? Please?"

What does she mean? Hearing this makes me so scared. Is she going to hurt me?? No! Y/n wouldn't hurt me! I trust her with my life.

"What's happening?" I meow desperately, the fear inside of me increasing as each second passes.

"Please don't cry." She begs me with tears in her eyes. "It hurts mommy when you're scared."

Who is mommy and what did she do to my Y/n?!?

I WiLL sCRaTcH hEr FoR yOu, Y/n.

"It's ok, Kitty." The dog man moves to stand next to Y/n as he speaks. "Like you said, we'll make it quick."

"Oh no." Another voice is heard entering the room and I recognize it as that old guy. I think Y/n calls him dad.

"Dad, good, you're here." Y/n sounds relieved and it quells some of the fear inside me. "Can you help?"

"Do we really need three people to hold this cat down?" The dog man asks Y/n while her dad comes to stand on the other side of her.

"Yes." They both answer at the same time.

My Mate is a Crazy Cat Lady {Namjoonxreader}Where stories live. Discover now