"She's cute too" he says, sniffing me.

"Apollo!' scolds his grandmother.

"Ah, yes, they don't believe in that here" he sighs.

I turn, to see a burnt olive-skinned man with dark, curly brown hair, and bright blue eyes.

He can sense my nervousness, and he smirks.

"Nyla Orlando Bishop Martinez" I say.

"Pleasure" he replies, kissing my hand.

I struggle to respond, but suddenly children are tugging at my clothes.

"Uncle" says the older girl, "Can we play with her?"

"Not now Kimbra, we have to tell her something. How about you both run along and play?" says the grandma.

The children turn back into lights, flying out the window and out into the back outside the cottage, while Grandma Sandra explains she is Grandma Luna's long-lost half sister. She tells me everything.

"So faeries and witches are real. Grandma Luna is half fae, and half witch. that makes me..."

"Every last-born, third generation descendant of mixed families throughout history is known to have a great power. Faeries tend to have different talents and can make worlds, witches tend to be spell-based and affected by different energies. So if you add a garden faerie, and a medicinal witch, you have..."

"A garden witch" says Maybelline.

"It's especially worse that you are half royal fae of the Family Roine. The Bishops are also recognized around the world as sorceress royalty, as creators of the witch realm. Your grandfather and your father, however, descend from a long line of Unseelie royalty. This makes you a threat."

"It gets worse" says Maybelline to her grandmother. "Nyla is also being followed by a dark magic - a Filipina ghost that wants her to suffer. She will not let go until she experiences a life of pain and loss."

"My father's wife?"

"This is worse than I imagined" says Grandma Sadie. "The magic brought all of us onto the property together. That means the royal family of Orid will be coming. . Human estate marriages have gotten more popular over the years. The Faerie Queen of Orid is the most brutal of all. If she discovers who you are, she will find a way to kill you."


Sure enough, I see John running down the hill. I shout at him to be careful, so he won't fall. He trips, but rights himself up again.

"Cousin! Come quick!' he exclaims, nearly jumping up and down .

"What's wrong?"

"The royal duke and duchess of Zambia have come! They own the house!"

We arrive to see them finely dressed in fake, African traditional clothes. The king is tall and dressed in purple, talking to my mom.

"Yes Senora Martinez, we acquired the property through our relation to France and their nobility. They resided here in Canada, you know this yes? It's okay" he says, kissing her hand. "Such a beautiful woman like you needs not to worry. We will not kick your family off the property, and we will treat it with the upmost respect"

I swear that mama's heart might have stopped right there and then, cause her cheeks were blushing right red.

The whole rom gasps, however, when a beautiful ebony woman of a slender body, black curly hair, doe eyes, and a bright glittering dress of an indistinguishable kind of fabric glides across the rom.

"So, this is it" she muses, tsking, and turning her head around the foyer. Advisors rush behind her to keep the trails of her dress from getting dirty.

"It's not that great, but it will have to do. We have to impress our neighbors. Who is the wedding planner?"

Mama points to me.

"You will be the one to design my wedding" says the princess. "We will have people attending from all across the world, so it is important that you strike a fine line between magnificent and casual; exotic and floral. If you succeed in this endeavor, I will give your family what they desire."

She stares at me, as if seeing if I know what she means. I keep my face impasse and smile as if this is a ridiculous thing she haas said. I watch as my mom and the king stare at each other, and sigh.

"What will the main colors, your highness?" I ask.

"The theme will be floral countryside" says the princess, "As it is with your property. For the colors, surprise me! I shall be taken to my room."

"Forgive us" says mama, "but the main suites are occupied by my daughters. My mom and I can move out."

"I was thinking we could share a room together" says the king, eyeing her.

"Is... is that customary in your country?" stutters my mother.

The Fairy Queen walks in from the gardens, having heard the conversation. She has a impassive, regal expression.

"Go ahead and borrow him, I don't mind" she says.


The princess impatiently stomps her foot. I force a smile.

"Alright, I'll get some of my clothes out of the drawers and clean the sheets for you."

I start with grandma's room - where the queen will stay. I tell grandma in her drunken daze that I will meet her at the farmhouse. I'm in the middle of preparing the princess's bed, when I see the princess and 20 servants storming the hall. Some are preparing the "Royal Meal," some are cleaning, and some redecorating the space.

At the farmhouse - Luna recognizes Sadie, and they tell each other everything.

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