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It's a few minutes past 8. I'm locked up in my room getting a few chapters of my novel in and a message pops up on my phone. I mark my page and open the text.

Bookworm: "Ready :)"

I smile stupidly at my phone screen as I text Ivy back.

Me: "I'll be there in 5"

I stand from the bed, stuffing my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. Suddenly, I find myself nervous. I cant remember the last time I was this nervous. Will she be nervous? Maybe I'm just overthinking this whole thing. Just play it smooth, Shawn. I grab my car keys off the bed and I check my appearance in the mirror one last I
time. Being the indecisive fuck I am, I swap my hoodie for a solid black long sleeve before leaving my room.

Jeffery- one of the frat fucks -is standing in the hall with his hand up some dumb blondes' dress when I walk out my room. The jingling of my keys catches their attention and he looks at me with a smirk, not stopping his actions whatsoever.

"Look at Mendes smiling for once," he says.

I scoff in annoyance while locking my door behind me.

"Hey," he calls before I can head down the steps.


"Are you going on a date?" He looks me up and down with wide eyes.


In 4 minutes flat, I make it to the dorms and Ivy is already waiting outside dressed in a pair of denim jeans, boots, and a jacket that hangs off her small frame. She's pretty petite so everything she wears is a bit oversized. Her hair is straight tonight. I like it when she wears it wild and curly, but it looks nice either way. Ivy hops in the passenger seat and smiles at me.

"So...what are we seeing?" She asks, buckling her seatbelt and settling into the seat.

"Whatever you want to see."

"You know, there's this new chick flick out.."

"Please don't Ivy. Anything but a chick flick," I sigh in agony.

"I'm joking," she giggles. "Let's see Secrets Of The Father
something scary. I love a good scare."

"Sounds good."

We start on the road and Ivy turns on the radio. She stares out the window, smiling at literally nothing. She must be excited to get out. After a few minutes of listening to the sound of some old rock band, Ivy turns to look at me.

"Camila spoke to me today," she says. I can sense the happiness in her voice.

My mood changes at the drop of a dime.

"What did she say?"

"Actually, she was really nice to me. She stopped me when I was on my way out a couple minutes ago and told me she was sorry if she came off as a bitch."

"Is that all she said?" I ask, trying my hardest not to sound suspicious.


I let out a sigh of relief.

"Well, that's good."

We soon arrive at a theater that's just off campus. It's not as crowded as I thought I'd be on a Saturday which is a good thing. As we're in line to get a few snacks before the movie starts, a text comes in on my phone from an unknown number.

Unknown: "you still want it tonight?"

It's Mitch. I never save his number. I guess you could say he's my supplier. You see, it's a cycle. I buy the drugs from him, sell it for money and use that money to buy it again. I do get some money from it but not a lot. I'll take any penny I can get at this point. Ivy turns around to look at me with a cheeky smile. I give her a reassuring grin before turning my attention back to my phone.Me: "can you meet me somewhere?"

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