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The room is definitely not big enough for the two of us.

Camila's bed is only a couple feet away from mine and I couldn't be more uncomfortable with the closeness. I'd be much happier if a wall separated us.

She unpacks her clothes in the small dresser next to her bed as I take a seat on my bed. I got the bigger one  because it's only fair. I sit my bag down, not bothering to unpack it yet. I lie back on the sheets. kicking off my boot in the process. At least this bed is comfortable.

"I guess we're roommates." Camila says.

I turn to look over at her while she continues to pack her folded clothes into the empty drawers.

"Stop." I groan and the smirk on her lips grows wider. I stand from the bed and I walk out of the bedroom in my socks. We've been here for a couple of hours and it's still freezing in this cabin.

I find dad in the living room kneeling by the fire place as he places pieces of wood inside it. Sinuheq's probably  unpacking her clothes as well.

"It's cold as shit in here." I say, making him turn around and look at me with disapproval.

"Crap?" I suggest. He's told me many times the he isn't to fond of my cussing, but it's a habit.

"Better." He says and continues stacking wood in the fire place.

I walk over to him and take a seat on the dark carpet. I might as well wait until he gets this fire going.

"Sorry about the rooming situation." Dad sighs.

"It would've been good to have a heads up. You know I can't stand that girl for more than a minute." More like a second.

He looks at me with those stern eyes again. "She's your sister, Shawn. You need to be nicer to her."

I've never hated a word so much in my entire life. Sister.

"Last time I checked, we didn't share blood. She isn't my sister." I snap with harshness in my voice.

He sits down the logs of wood in his arms and turns to face me with pure  agitation in his face.

"Whether you like it or not, she is you sister. You need to start treating her like
one instead of acting like she's some stranger. That isn't right." His tone is demanding and final.

I stand from the carpet in annoyance.

"I guess." I say. There's no point in arguing with him, because he'll always have the last word.

I walk back into the room where Camila is still busy unpacking and I fish the pack of cigarettes out of my bag along with the lighter. After slipping my feet back into my boots, I walk back out of the room. Once I get close the front door, dad stops me.

"Where are you going?" he asks from his spot by the fire place.

I pull my hood back over my head as I hide the pack in my pocket.

"For a walk. I just need some air." I open the front door before he can protest and I shut it behind me.

The colder air outside hits me like a bus. I quick spark the cigarette between my lips and shove my free hand in my pocket. I walk around in the snow not really knowing where I'm going. Most of the cabins around here look empty other than the one next to us. We aren't completely in the middle of no where. I can see a few small stores in the distance that have convenient store sighs on them. A few people walk in and out of the small shops with paper bags. What the hell is there to do around here?

After finishing the cigarette, I drop it to the snow and crush it with my boot.

Out of the corner of my eye, I spot the girl I met earlier today. She must've noticed me passing her cabin. She approaches me wearing the same thing she was before with a baseball cap covering her head.

"You've got a lighter?" She asks pulling a pack of cigarettes out of her own pocket and placing it between her lips.
I'm starting to like her even more. I hand it to her and she waste no time sparking it. I get a good look at the detailed tattoos on her hand as she blocks the wind from blowing out the flame.

It's hard to tell if it's cigarette smoke coming out of her mouth or if its the cold air. She hands me back my lighter and I stuff it in my pocket.

"I'm Ruby by the way." The name doesn't seem to fit her. She looks more like a Ruben. I can hear a slight accent in her voice when she speaks, but I can't figure out what it is.

"Shawn." I say.

Ruby is about a foot shorter than me. I glance over at her to get a good look at her face. I notice a few tattoos behind her ear as well. We stand underneath one of the many frozen trees, our cabins just a feet away.

"Do you live here by yourself?" I ask leaning against the dead tree.

"No with my old man. My mom isn't around anymore." I notice dullness in her tone.

"Neither is mine." Shit, now things are all sad.

We stand in silence as she takes hits off the cigarette in her hand. Each time she looks around, I take the opportunity to get a good look at her. I'll bet that she likes girls. Should I ask? Fuck, I don't wanna be an asshole and just ask her that out of the blue.

"So, uh, what do you- ya know.." I try my hardest to sugar code the question.

Ruby looks to me with her piercing blue eyes and she smirks right before laughing.

"I like girls, if that's what you're too scared to ask." She must get that question a lot. I don't come across lesbians a lot but I know one when I see one.

"Oh." I look around awkwardly while she drops the finished cigarette to the ground and crushes it with her boot the same way I didn't prior to seeing her.

"Don't worry, shit like that doesn't offend me." Ruby's a really cool girl, I could care less if she's straight or lesbian.

"Good. I just didn't wanna be a asshole and ask you if you like dick or not." I say.

The two of us laugh at my remark. I didn't even think I'd be smiling at all on this trip, but thank God for Ruby. This week might not be that bad after all.


The fire is the only light in the living room. Out here, there's no internet or television so this fire is my best source of entertainment. I watch from the couch as it pops every now and then, the flames dancing from the wind coming through the chimney. Its pretty warm in here unlike before.

The empty pizza box sits on the coffee table that separates me and the fire place. I didn't expect there to be a pizza joint around here. That shit tasted like cardboard anyway.

I'm pretty sure everyone else has fallen asleep besides Camila. I heard the showing running in the bathroom connected to our room not too long ago.My eyelids get heavier by the second. I stand from my spot of the couch and make my way towards our bedroom. The dim lamp on Camila's dresser is the only source of light in the room. As soon as I plop down on my bed, I begin to drift off to sleep.

The sound of the bathroom door opening brings me out of my sleep. I hear Camila's footsteps walk out onto the creaky floor. I turn my head slightly to look over at her and I  quickly regret opening opening my eyes in the first place.

Wet strands of hair stick to her back as she leans down to open her dresser drawer. She holds the towel around her tightly against her chest, making her breast more revealing. When the hell did she get those? I'm not some creep that stares at her tits 24/7, but I can't help but notice that they've gotten bigger. A lot bigger.

I quickly look away, for her sake and mine. The sound of the towel hitting the floor aggravates me. Why can't she get dressed in the bathroom?
I ignore the sounds of her putting on her clothes and I drift back into a deep sleep.

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