"Well, fuck' is right." I kick a bottle out of my way as I walk towards him. "Tell David to clean this shit up. He's the one who thought it would be a good idea to invite three hundred people."

Kevin nods and I head back upstairs, making sure to avoid as much trash as possible.

My head feel like there's a fucking construction sight inside of it. Hangovers can die a painful death.

At a quarter past eight, I take a quick shower and I throw on the quickest thing I can find. The hall is spotless when I reemerge from my room shoving my laptop in the bag hanging off my shoulder. That was quick. Just as I'm closing my bedroom door, the one next to mine opens and a confused girl comes out holding her heels in one hand. Her makeup is smeared and her t-shirt is on inside out. She smiles at me as she begins her walk of shame.

I walk behind her down the stairs and I watch her walk out the front door. Then, I turn my attention to David as he loads black bags with trash.

"Remind me to never be in charge of party invites."

"Noted." I turn to walk out the door but he stops me.

"Who was that girl on the table last night? The one you were talking to?"

"...My sister."

"Oh," he picks up a red cup and trashes it. "she's hot."

"Bye, David." I shut the door behind me.

I tried so hard to forget that she's here's, literally within walking distance from me. I was much more comfortable with her being several miles away. Now, I feel like I can't even fucking breathe.

But I've got bigger things to worry about. Like getting to chemistry on time.


I don't remember much from last night but how could I forget that voice?

Ivy walks along side me, trying her hardest to keep up with her short legs. I slow down my pace, look down at her, and smile.

"You are a master at sneaking up on people, you know that?"

Her hair is up today with a few curls escaping her bun. It just turned fall and the summer heat is still around so I don't really understand why she's wearing a jacket. I suddenly find myself wanting to know more about her. "If its not that bad then why did you fail it?"

Usually, I'd find my way out of a conversation with a girl that asks way too many questions but with Ivy, I don't mind hearing her voice. It's kind of adorable. Oh God, did I just use the word adorable?

"I didn't take the work seriously. You're a freshman, right?"

She nods.

If I didn't fuck around so much during my freshman year, I wouldn't have to re take this stupid course.

"Just a heads up, college is no fucking joke. It can make even the most sane person suicidal."

Ivy balls the cuffs of her jacket into each fist, covering her hands to her finger tips and laughs nervously. "Yep. What class are you going to?"

"Advanced literature."

"Great, I can walk with you then."

I look at her, still keeping a steady pace. "You have it too?"

"Unfortunately." Ivy rolls her eyes to the back of her head and releases a child-like groan.

"It's not that bad." I tell her.

"You've had it before?"

"Had it. Failed it. Taking it again."

Now that I see her eyes in the light, I notice how bright and big they are. Ivy is much more petite than I remembered. Her fame is so small and her height only adds to her littleness. There's no way she could be older than 19. "Good to know."

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