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I smoked at least three cigarettes on my break to calm my nerves but that didn't help at all. My asshole of a manager is making me stay a couple extra hours today to help around the theater. That means Camila is at home with Zayn. I've already sent him a threatening text message on my break, telling him not to do anything stupid and of course he responds with a smiley face. I could kill him right now.

After the longest three hours of my life that were filled with annoying customers and clumsy ass little kids, I was finally told I could go home. I clocked out and headed straight for my car. The entire 20 minute ride home, I think about what idiotic thing Zayn could be talking her into doing. Surprisingly, Camila isn't home. I check her bedroom and all around the house and she's nowhere to be found. Oh yeah, she has Bible study. I let out a sigh of relief.

I walk into my room to see Zayn on my bed holding the letter I didn't want anyone to read yet. He looks up at me with a wide smile.

"Give me that." I snatch the paper out of his hand and shove it in the nightstand drawer.

Zayn stares up at me from his spot on the bed and begins to applaud slowly.

"Congrats, Shawn. When were you going to tell me that you got accepted into UCO ?" I still haven't even fully acknowledge that I got accepted..

I take off my work visor and place it on the bed.

"I wasn't." I say. His jaw drops. "Why? Aren't you happy?"

"Of course I'm happy. I'm fucking overjoyed, but I've got a lot of shit going on."

"Like what?" He asks with a raised eyebrow.

"Just some stuff." Camila for example. I walk over to my dresser and fish out something to change into. I always smell like popcorn when I leave the theater.

As I'm changing in my bathroom, I hear yelling downstairs. I walk back into my room pulling my shirt over my head and I see Zayn with his ear pressed against the door to eavesdrop on the commotion downstairs.

"What's going on?" I walk up behind him and he shushes me. I hear Camila and Sinuhe shouting back and forth downstairs about God knows what.

"Move." I say grabbing a hold of his shoulder and shoving him out of the way. The yelling gets louder once I open my door and walk out into the hallway. I look over the railing to see Camila with tears running down her face, still in her school uniform. Sinuhe is too focused on Camila to even look at me.

"I wasn't doing anything with him!" Camila's shouts.

Sinuhe looks down at her hysterical daughter in disbelief. Her dark eyebrows are lowered angrily. I don't think I've ever seen her so mad. What the hell did Camila do?

"There's a tracker on your phone, Camila! You were supposed to be at Bible study, why the hell were you with that boy?"

Boy? What boy? And what kind of mother tracks her daughter's phone? A fucking psycho one. I didn't even notice Zayn next to me until I hear his soft breathing.

"I-I just..I don't know." For once, Camila is at a loss for words. She wipes the tears from underneath her eyes and looks to her mother apologetically, but Sinuhe doesn't look sympathetic.

She steps forward and grabs Camila's left wrist roughly, and she flinches. She's wearing the silver band on her finger again.

"Does this ring mean nothing to you?"

I notice the purple mark on Camila's neck that is barley hidden by her collared shirt. It's a fresh hickey that I didn't leave.

Camila's eyes are fixed on her feet, too afraid to look at her disappointed mother.

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