Its been a day since we've been home and I've been in my room ever since.

I heard them in the kitchen eating dinner either like some happy fucking family. Sinuhe tried to call me down their to join them, but I didn't answer. I'm trying my hardest to avoid them.

The noise downstairs has settled down finally.

My stomach growls loudly, reminding me just how hungry I am. I stand out of bed and walk out of my room, making sure to walk quietly on the hard wood floor. Some of the steps creak as I'm walking down the staircase. I make it to the kitchen and I immediately go to the fridge to look for leftovers. Thank God dad made spaghetti, and didn't let Sinuhe cook.

I lean against the counter waiting for the microwave to finish warming up the food.

Just my fucking luck. I hear footsteps walking down stairs and it could only be one person. Camila enters the kitchen in her oversized T-shirt and shorts that are barley visible underneath it. He hair is down again. She looks at me in disgust and scoffs while walking towards the fridge.

"Oh, so you finally decided to stop being a Hermit and come out of your room? Surprising." I can't stand the sound of her voice.

She takes the orange juice out of the fridge and sits it on the counter.

"Do you really want another argument?" I ask with a smirk.

I can't help but watch as she reaches up into the cabinet to get a cup and her shorts ride up, showing more than I want to see.

"You love arguing, don't you?" She pours the juice into the glass and takes a sip from it.

I shrug. "A little."

The microwave beeps and I open it to take out my hot plate. I grab a fork out of the drawer next to me and I take a seat on the counter, not bothering to sit at the kitchen table.

She stares at me from across the counter while drinking.

"I didn't mean to say that earlier.." she says.

This apologizing shit is getting old. First she says sorry and then that always ends in an argument.

"Stop apologizing all the time." I say with a mouth full of food.

"I wasn't apologizing. I'm just saying that I didn't mean to say everyone hates you." She says playing with the ends of her hair.

"You weren't lying."

Camila looks at me all sympathetic and shit. I hate when people pity me. She sighs, "No one hates you, Shawn."

I almost laugh. "Yeah right."

I hop off the counter with my empty plate and I walk over to the sink. Camila walks up to me as I place it in the sink with all the other dirty dishes.

"I wasn't being serious when I said that."

I stop thinking while I'm look down at her. Her apologetic eyes stare into mine for a brief second before I look down to her lips. Her bottom one is tucked beneath her teeth as usual and it worries me how bad I want to feel them again....what the hell am I talking about?

"I don't care, Camila." You're one of those guys who act like they don't give a flying fuck but they actually really do, Ruby's words replay in my head. Stay out of my damn head Ruby, you're hundreds of miles away.

Before I can walk past her she steps in front of me, blocking the entrance with her short figure.

"You're lying. You always rub your head when you lie." Camila points out.

Shit, I did rub my head, didn't I?

"No I'm not." I move her out of the way and I walk out of the kitchen.

She follows close behind me as I climb each stair.

"Admit it." She pokes at my back once I make it to the top of the steps.

"Admit what?" I say frustrated.

These little arguments she picks are pointless. She must do this to get a rise out of me.

"That you care."

My hand rest on my bedroom door knob. "I can't admit something that isn't true."

I open the door and before I can shut it behind me, Camila barges in. She shuts the door behind me and she rest her back against the it. I look at her in confusion.

"Get out, Camila." I sigh, already exhausted from this endless argument.

She cringes looking around at all the tattooed girls on my posters on the black walls. I guess she's used to her pink walls and neatly stacked book cases."Not until you admit that you care." Her big brown eyes look terrified. She knows I can physically remove her from my room like I've done plenty of times before.

At this point, I completely forgot I what this argument is about.

"I care about what you think of me! Is that what you wanna hear? Does that turn you on or something?!" I didn't expect to shout as loud as I did.

"Shh! They're asleep." She whispers loudly with a single finger in front of her lips.

I continue to be obnoxious. "Its my room, I'll talk as loud as I want-"

Camila shuts me up by grabbing me roughly by my tank top and slamming my lips into hers.

All my thinking comes to a pause.

I'm agitated because I haven't had a cigarette in days, I'm sexually frustrated because I haven't fucked in weeks, and once I feel her lips, my insides engulf into flames.

The next thing I know, I pick her up and sit her down on top of my dresser. Her hands rest on my shoulders and her legs spread allowing me to let my hands roam along the soft exposed skin. I can already feel myself getting hard. She's made a habit lately of not wearing a bra and I can feel her hard nipples poking against my chest. I become rough with the kiss, not allowing her to try and take control.

Then my thinking pressed play.

Shawn, what are you doing? This is Camila you're kissing!

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I have to force myself to pull away from her. Camila looks to me with swollen lips, spread legs, and hooded brown eyes which is only turning me on even more.

"I should, um.." I look away from her, not wanting to do any thing else that I'm going to regret.

"Yeah." She says quietly while hopping off my dresser and walking out of my bedroom door.

I wait until I hear her room door close from down the hall before I flop down on my bed and think about what the hell I just did. 

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