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I barely slept last night because paranoia kept me up. Every time I started to dose off, I felt like Zayn was going to try something stupid. I trust him, but not with Camila. He can be a bit hardheaded when I tell him not to do things. Just imagining Zayn seeking off to her room when she's only in one of those big shirts with nothing on underneath kept me awake.

I stand in front of the open refrigerator looking for something to snack on while Sinuhe and Camila get ready for work and school. Dad already left for work earlier. Zayn is still upstairs asleep.

"You're up early." Sinuhe walks into the kitchen while smoothing out any wrinkles in her pantsuit.

My eyes roll to the back of my head. I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge before sitting it on the counter and walking over to the pantry.

"I'm sorry about the other night. I shouldn't have overreacted." She says.

I'm not really mad about the whole 'slap Shawn in the face because he's a bad influence on my daughter' incident. I've been hit harder than that before.

"Cool." I shrug a shoulder, taking a box of cereal out of the pantry. I hear footsteps entering the kitchen, interrupting the awkward tension as I'm pouring cereal onto a napkin to eat it dry.

Camila walks into the kitchen dressed in her school skirt with thigh high socks. She wears a collared shirt underneath a dark sweater with the school initials on the sleeve. I never used to wear the school uniform which lead to a boat load of detentions.

Her hair is down today. It looks better when it's down. Do I have a hair fetish or something?

"Can I have another one of those pain pills?" She asks her mother while fiddling with the straps on her back pack. Pain pills? Oh. I think I know what that's for."Another headache?" Sinuhe lays a hand on Camila's forehead.

I lean against the kitchen counter while continuing to eat my dry cereal.

Camila nods her head quickly. "Yes."

Sinuhe leaves the kitchen and Camila immediately turns around to look at me with a smile on her face. I watch carefully as she reaches into the fruit bow on the counter and grabs a banana.

Out of every fucking fruit she could've grabbed, she just had to grab the banana.

"You hurt me the other night." She says biting at her bottom lip. She leans against the counter on her elbows while peeling the banana.

My eyes grow wide and I become cautious of how loud she's talking. "Stop, Camila." I shake my head no.

A wicked smile spreads across her face. I can't help but watch as she slowly takes the banana into her mouth, never breaking eye contact with me. Is she really doing this on purpose? She definitely is and it's fucking working. She finally bites down on it and I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. Where the hell did she learn to do that?

She giggles wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

Sinuhe walks back into the kitchen with a pill in one hand and her purse in the other.

"Take this, it'll help you feel better." Camila takes it out of her mother's hand and swallows it dry. My imagination wanders to a dirty place as she licks her lips and takes another bite of the banana.


"Camila?" Sinuhe gasps grabbing her left hand to examine it.

Shit, her ring. I slowly exit the kitchen with my bottled water in hand, giving Camila a guilty smirk in the process.

"Where is your ring?" I hear her asks as I'm climbing the staircase.

"It must've fallen off in my sleep or something. I don't know." She says in a coy tone. Camila is a pro at playing the whole innocent act.

"Well, when you get home I want you to find it and put it back on, understood?" Sinuhe says harshly.

"Ok." I can barley hear the words come out of her mouth.

I make it to my bedroom where Zayn is passed out on the couch letting out loud snores. Once I hear the sound of the front door closing, I grab Camila's ring off my night stand and I walk down the hall to her room. Nothing is out of place once I walk in. Her bed is perfectly spread and her bookshelves are organized by color. Almost everything in here is pink. Whats up with girls and the color pink? Its the most overrated color.

I place the tiny sliver ring on her pillow before walking out of her bedroom. It'll be funny to see her wear it again. That ring is nothing more than a lie at this point. 

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