Life used to be so simple when I was a young boy living with my dad. I was happy when it was just the two of us in that small apartment and I didn't have a worry in the world. Well, besides the occasional beatings I would receive whenever dad had one too many drinks.

But now things aren't so simple. Especially now that Camila is kissing me.

I can't choose between anger or confusion at the feeling of her lips against mine. A second or two goes by and I push her back by her shoulders.

Her eyes flutter open to look at me with an unreadable expression."Sorry." She says softly.

This has gotta be some twisted dream that I'm gonna wake up from any second now. I still can't think of anything to say.

"I just thought-."

"You thought what? You thought it'd be ok to kiss me ?" All that trying to be a good sister shit was bogus.

She looks down shamefully. Its a bit too late for the whole innocent act. She's made it clear just how strongly she feels about me and I don't think she'd kiss me if she thought of me as a brother.

"I don't know what I was thinking." Camila stands from my bed with apologetic eyes and walks back over to hers. She lies down and buries herself underneath the covers.I lie awake sleep deprived as I watch the day light get brighter and brighter. Everything about last night was wrong. Camila sneaking in my bed was wrong, the way I looked at her was wrong, and that fucking kiss was wrong.

Thank God we only have to spend one more day here. I already know I'm gonna miss Ruby. I'm sure she'll miss me. Its weird how it's only been a week and she's already become the brother I've never had.

Before anyone wakes up, I roll out of bed and I grab a hoodie along with a pair of sweats to change into.

I feel suffocated in this room with her.

Camila stirs in her sleep once I come out of the bathroom fully dressed. I walk out of the bedroom and out the front door quietly so I don't wake anyone up. Its snowing a little, nothing too serious. I finally feel like I can breath now that I'm outside of that damn cabin. I need a breather after last night. I need to talk to Ruby more than anything, because if I don't vent soon I'm going to explode. Not caring if her dad is home, I knock on the front door of her cabin three times.

Luckily, Ruby answers and not her dad. That guy's pretty creepy.

She yawns while leaning against the door frame with only a T-shirt and a saggy pair of sweat pants. Is this girl immune to cold or something?

"Whats up?" Big bags hang underneath her eyes. She must not have gotten much sleep either.

"We need to talk ASAP." I shove my hands into my pockets, my fingers playing with the lint inside them.

She moves to the side and gestures for me to come in with the nod of her head. I walk in and she closes the door behind her. Her cabin is way warmer than ours, but it pretty much looks like it's designed the same.

"Is your dad home?" I ask while pulling my hood off my head and turning around to look at her.

She shakes her head no. "He left somewhere. Did something happen?"

I sigh. "Some shit went down last night."

An evil smiles grows on her face. Ruby might be a boy but she definitely goes into girl mode when it comes to drama. She drags me into her bedroom that's about the same size as the one Camila and I are staying in except it only has one bed. She pats the spot next to her and I sit down on the low sitting bed.

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