I can hear the harsh wind and heavy snow hitting the thin window as I sleep. It sounds like a blizzard is rolling in. Then I hear loud thunder as well. Yep, a blizzard.

I feel my bed shift, slightly waking me from my deep sleep. I ignore the disturbance at first, until it happens again. Then I hear soft breathing that isn't my own. I quickly sit up in bed to see nothing but darkness. There's a warmth next to me. It must be Camila. She used to do this all the time when we were kids. Every time there was a storm, she'd run to my room as if I'm supposed to protect her from it. I'd always kick her out.

"Camila, go back to your bed." I groan in my tired state.My eyes adjust to the darkness and I can see her looking up at me from my pillow. "But I'm scared."

Another strong wind hits the window and a loud crack of thunder can be heard near by. She scoots closer to me.

"You aren't 10 anymore. Just go back to your bed." I say growing impatient. Like I said before, she's a 5 year old at heart.

"Please! You won't even know I'm here, I promise." She begs.

How fucking bad would it look for her to be sleeping in the same bed as me? Pretty bad.

"Stop acting like such a girl." I say

"Whats that supposed to mean?" Her inner feminist is showing. She crosses her arms over her chest and gawks at me."I'm not doing this right now. You can't sleep here, Camila."

She sits up next to me. "Fine."

Camila stands from my bed in her thick pajamas, and walk back over to hers before burying herself beneath the sheets. The thunder roars yet again and she flinched underneath them.

I lie back down and slowly fall asleep to the would of the rough wind against the window.

After what feels like ages of sleep, I wake up to see Camila still asleep in her bed. This may be the first time I've woken up before her. The smell of food makes me realize how hungry I am, considering I skipped out on Sinuhe's nasty looking lasagna last night.

I roll out of bed and I make my way out of the bedroom. When I enter the kitchen, I see Sinuhe sitting at the small table with a plate of pancakes in front of her while dad stands at the stove whipping up more food.

"You're up before noon? That's odd." Dad jokes from behind the counter and Sinuhe laughs along

with him.

I draw out the most insincere laugh possible while taking a seat in one of the wooden chairs at the table.

"Here." He holds out a plate for me and I stand up to take it from him. His cooking is much better than Sinuhe's. Everything she makes taste like stale crackers.

They engage in conversation while I dig into my food. I wonder if it's still snowing. There's no doubt our truck is tuck in it after last night.

Camila walks out into kitchen rubbing her tired eyes. "Good morning." She says.

"Good morning, sweetheart. How'd you sleep?" Sinuhe asks as Camila takes a seat next to me.

Not that I care or anything, but I just think it's funny how she gets greeted with a gentle good morning and all I get is a slick insult. Its been that way since we were kids.

"Fine. That storm was crazy last night." She says glancing over at me for a brief moment. I shove more food in my mouth.

"Yeah, a blizzard rolled in." Dad says fixing two more plates for himself and Camila.

We eat in silence. I look up a few times to catch Camila looking at me. I ignore the annoying stares by focusing down at the pancakes in front of me.

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