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I wake up at 5:32 AM and run my hand through my hair as I make my way towards the bathroom. I feel disgusting, I don't know why; I'm always cautious about keeping my hygiene up. So I decide to take a shower.     

In the shower, as the steaming water hits my shoulders and back, I think about my dream. About how weird and abstract it was. Why would I dream about something so... so explicit about her, I think.      

While I try to figure it out, I start washing my hair and the rest of my body.    

I finish and I wrap a towel around my lower half as I head out into my bedroom to get some clothes on. While I'm picking out my shirt, I hear a knock on my bedroom door.     

Thinking it must be one of my brothers or a MALE god because which goddess would want to come into my house? I open the door shirtless.  

    ...Maybe that wasn't such a great assumption..      

Before me I see a very female figure. And it just so happens to be Athena.      "Athena?"


The next morning, I wake up and I clean up; meaning I actually took the time to brush my hair thoroughly and put a minimal amount of makeup on. Just some eyeliner and mascara.     

After I decide I'm decent looking to go out, I head out and start walking around aimlessly. It's barely light out, probably because it's 4:48 AM but that is just a known fact. I find a bench and sit. I think about what my dream could've meant and why I even had that sort of dream. Man, if father saw that dream, he would probably strike me upside the head with his lightning bolt.      

Lucky for me, I'm not going to tell anyone about the dream. But I know someone who might infer to what the dream had in store. Aphrodite, I think, sourly.      

After I strategize my plans to kill Aphrodite if she even mentions me and love or him in the same sentence. 

By the time that's over, it's 5:30 and I decide to go do something productive with my day. So I start to go to my office that is by the throne room, but I can't seem to get my way there. It feels like something is stopping me but something is also telling me to go to the closest building; which happens to be Poseidon's mansion.     

Ah, screw it. I've followed my brain for so long, maybe it's time for me to follow my heart.

I get to his front door and I knock. No answer. I knock again, a little louder and I still don't get a response. So I try the front door and it opens. Who leaves their door unlocked overnight? Idiot, I think, rolling my eyes.     

I step into his entryway and I am hit by the scent of sea salt and sugar with a tinge of cologne. I hear water running so I suppose he is taking a shower. I don't want to barge in and seem like an intruder, because he would attack and I could possibly get killed in the process. So, I'm trying for a more subtle approach.      

I wander around and see pictures of Poseidon and Amphitrite and of him and his son, Perseus. I suddenly feel sad about him and Annabeth, but there is nothing in my power that I can do anymore. It's all up to the Fates .     

I keep looking at pictures and souvenirs that he had collected over the years and then I hear the shower turn off.      

I start to head towards what I think is his bedroom and get lost in the paintings on the walls of the ocean and creatures who call the water their home. I finally make it towards his door, after about 5 minutes of gazing at the paintings.      

I walk up to his door and knock hopefully he can hear me this time. I hear his footsteps getting louder as he gets closer to the door and opens it. Apparently he was expecting someone else because he doesn't have time to hide his shock before he says, "Athena?"


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