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I run out of the council room, hoping that no one followed me. I start to run. Run anywhere my feet would take me.

After about 5 minutes of full on sprinting, I slow down and realize I ended up in front of the pier that leads to Poseidon's underwater palace.

I don't know why, but I have always had a strong connection to water. Just not the god who controls it.

I look around me and look for a place to sit and I find a bundle of rocks that look like they would do the job just fine in my state.

I slump down on the rock and begin sobbing. I know, I know, the goddess of wisdom and warfare crying? Yeah, let's just say it's way out of my character.

I sit there, still and fragile as ever, for about 20 seconds until I hear feet running towards me.

I look up slightly, expecting to see a nymph or even Artemis, but no, I see the one and only... you guessed it; Poseidon

"Athena? You okay?" He asks, leaning on the taller rocks that lie behind me.

"Hmmm... I don't know. I just watched my daughter fall into a dark, never ending abyss and you think I'm okay?" I say, wiping my tears, looking him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, Athena. I really am—" I cut him off.

"And did I mention that she's down there with my rivals son? I guess not. Well, it just happens to be your son, so I would suggest you get away from me before you cause anymore harm to my family." I say, anger coursing through my veins.

Poseidon looks shocked. I don't know why. I always snap at him. Why didn't he think it would turn into something like this? Dimwit.

"Are you just going to stand there and just stare at me like I'm going to take that back?" I yell. "Because I'd really like to be somewhere else right now. Anywhere except next to you, I might add."

"Why are you blaming me?" He says snapping out of his little, innocent trance.

"Like I was the one who was watching them fall into Tartarus and doing absolutely nothing to help them because you thought it was against the rules. Really, Athena? I expected a lot more from you. You know, with being the wisdom goddess and all." He states, his tone getting louder and more accusing throughout his thought.

"I'm sorry, Poseidon, but I would rather follow the rules and not get struck with lightning by my father than—"

"Than what? Saving your own daughter? Now that's a new trait on your list." He says looking into my eyes with so much hatred that it makes me cower backwards.

"What is? What trait is it?" I ask, standing back up into my confident state.

"Selfishness." He said with no holding back, no struggle at all, making me believe it was true. I feel my eyes begin to swell with tears and I start to get so mad that I break. I break down in sobs that overtake my body and I have no control over it. Maybe he's right.

A place in my mind says. Maybe he's right; that I'm a selfish goddess that just wants a better reputation rather than sacrificing that and saving my daughter. And her boyfriend. Who just happens to be Poseidon's kid. Oh my, what have I gotten myself into?

My thoughts are cut off by someone reaching down and touching my shoulder.

"Athena, I don't know what took over me. I didn't mean it. You aren't selfish. You were in shock and I understand that. So—" I cut him off.

"Anymore lies worth my time? Because I am sick and tired of this, Poseidon. I'm done with your snooty attitude and then all of a sudden you try to comfort me. First of all, I don't need comforting and second, I don't need you. I don't need you to be anywhere around me, in that matter. So, do me a favor for once, and leave. Leave if all your going to do is blame me and then try to sugarcoat it with the "I'm sorry's". We all know that we were born rivals. And right now, I'd like to keep it that way."


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