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On the next, all-new Grimm...


Hey guys! 

This isn't a new chapter (sorry to disappoint), but this is an important announcement! I will hopefully begin working on my next book soon, and I wanted to let you guys know what it will be about. It hasn't been written yet, so obviously nothing is set in stone yet, but here is the general preview that I had in mind:

"Season Six, Episode Sixteen: After bodies begin to pile up, Hank and Wu suspect there is a serial killer in Portland. Meanwhile, the reemergence of Black Claw causes Nick to panic as he and Adalind prepare for their upcoming wedding. He digs into all of the records he can find in a search for more living relatives and makes a discovery that no one saw coming."

I'm still not sure what the title will be. I've been tossing around a few ideas in my head, and right now Everyone Cries at Weddings is sounding pretty good to me. I'll probably change it, but when I finally make up my mind, I'll post the title and expected publishing dates at the end of this story.

As always, thanks for reading!


Grimm Season 6, Episode 15: Reaping BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now