Chapter Six

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"Reapers," Nick said with horrified realization.

Griese retracted into her human form, but her sadistic grin wasn't any less monstrous.

Trubel glared at her suspiciously. "I don't get it," she said.

Griese narrowed her eyes at Trubel while Trubel explained. "You work for Black Claw and the Reapers, so why aren't we dead yet?"

Reichardt smiled as he chuckled to himself. "Eager to die, are we?"

Trubel took a step toward him which made the two guards flinch. "Eager to drag you to hell with me," Trubel snarled.

Nick put his arm on Trubel's shoulder to signal for her to relax. She was making the situation worse. "You didn't answer her question," Nick stated bitterly.

"We could kill you, but we don't want to do that yet," Reichardt began. "You see, our goal," he said gesturing between himself and Griese, "Is to control Grimms. To influence them into doing our bidding." Griese's smile faded, and she clenched her teeth together with frustration. No one noticed, but if they had, they'd wonder what her own goals looked like.

"You want people like us to enforce Black Claw's agenda," Nick simplified.

"And those that don't comply, don't get to keep their lives," Reichardt clarified coldly.

"You really think we're going to do what you want?" Trubel asked skeptically.

Griese's smile returned. "I don't, but we can still learn valuable information from you for the few days that you're still alive. And we'll use that information to make sure other Grimms make a smarter choice."

Maybe Trubel was settled on rebelling, but Nick wasn't so convinced. "And if we do what you want?" he wondered. Trubel was shaking her head next to him.

"Well, look at our friend Miles. He's still alive," Reichardt pointed out.

"But he's not going to stay that way, is he?" Trubel asked, glaring daggers at Griese. 

"As long as he behaves, we have no reason to get rid of him," Reichardt answered for Griese. Griese clenched her teeth together again.

"The two of you should keep that in mind." Reichardt focused his gaze on Trubel. "Especially you."

"I'm not interested in helping you enslave Grimms, so you might as well kill me now," Trubel growled.

"Trubel," Nick said nervously.

"What?" she asked him. "You want me to play along while they study ways to kill and control us?"

"You need to think about what you're asking," Nick warned her.

"There's nothing to think about!" Trubel yelled at him. "These monsters want to-"

"Enough!" Griese ordered. She turned to one of the guards and said, "She's not worth talking to. Take care of her."

Trubel narrowed her eyes at the guard and stood like she was ready to fight him.

"Take care of her? What do you mean?" Nick asked with worry. He watched as the guard approached the Grimm standing next to him. "Wait!" he yelled, stepping between Trubel and the guard.

"Watch yourself, Burkhardt," Reichardt warned him. "There's no reason you need to pay for your friend's mistakes."

"I'll do what you want as long as you leave her alone," Nick bargained desperately.

Trubel didn't want Nick's help, and she certainly didn't want to be a part of her captors' mission. "Nick-" Trubel objected from behind him.

"Don't argue," Nick commanded her.

Grimm Season 6, Episode 15: Reaping BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now