Chapter Twenty-Four

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I'm sorry I haven't had much time to write. The next few chapters are going to be short. However, they should still be as interesting and dramatic! Enjoy!

-TRBL 247


Griese was standing in a room that looked almost like an office. She had her own desk and behind it was a wall full of various books relevant to her sadistic practices - Grimm books, journals of data on Grimms, fairytales, medical books.

But Griese wasn't sitting at her desk. Instead, she stood in front of a Mauvais Dentes that cowered against the wall under the weight of her viscious glare. She was yelling at him while Miles and Reichardt stood in the corner and watched.

"What do you mean he's dead?" Griese demanded. "He was the only Gedachnis Esser we had! Blau-Beringter Gedächtnisessers are exceedingly rare! What we did with Angel, we'll never be able to do again! You were supposed to protect him!"

"I'm sorry!" the Mauvais Dentes winced. "We thought it was safe. He was about to get the Hexenbiest's memories to find the location of the book, and the police captain showed up with all of his friends."

"Do you know what this means?" Griese growled. The Mauvais Dentes shook his head nervously, so Griese told him. "It means that if we can't get Trubel or Burkhardt to talk, we will never find the location of the book."

"Why didn't you have their memories stolen sooner?" the Mauvais Dentes wondered aloud.

Griese didn't like that he was asking her questions but decided to answer him anyway. "We weren't finished experimenting with the Grimms yet, and we couldn't study their behavior if we gave them dementia! And now we're screwed."

"I'm sorry!" the Mauvais Dentes yelled again.

Griese was done with him. She woged, sunk her teeth into the Mauvais Dentes's neck, and pulled her face away with a bloody chunk of flesh in her mouth. Hasslichen weren't normally known for that type of behavior, but Griese wasn't normal. She wanted him dead immediately, and her teeth could do the trick.

After some gurgling noises, the Mauvais Dentes slumped to the floor, dead. Griese spit the bloody contents of her mouth onto the floor and retracted into her human form.

"Geez," Miles said with disgust. He had never seen Griese lose it like that.

Griese spun around to face Miles and Reichardt. "Tomorrow this is all over. One way or another," she promised them.

Reichardt stared at her in horror, grossed out by the fact that Griese didn't even try to wipe the blood off of her face.

"You want me to talk to Trubel tonight?" Miles suggested cruelly.

Griese shook her head. "No. Let her remember how much she loves her friend. It'll make it more interesting when we kill him tomorrow."

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