Chapter Eleven

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Renard walked out to his black SUV surprised to see that the shattered windows were all repaired. He looked back toward the house and saw Diana smiling in one of the windows with glowing purple eyes. Renard smiled back before climbing into his car to drive away.

Meanwhile, Kelly slept in his crib while Eve and Adalind sat in silence in the living room. It had been quiet for a few minutes before Eve, looking with concern at Adalind's lifeless expression, decided to speak.

"This really is the best place for us to be right now," Eve told her.

Adalind looked up at her, surprised that she had spoken and considered what she had said. "I guess," she agreed halfheartedly. She felt like she should be doing more to help Nick, and instead, she was under house arrest.

"You, Kelly, and Diana could all be targets," Eve added quietly so Diana wouldn't overhear her. "And what better people to protect Kelly and Diana are there than two Hexenbiests?" Eve attempted an encouraging smile, but it wasn't very convincing. After all, Eve was as worried about Nick and Trubel as anyone else.

Adalind's answering smile was also unimpressive as she was mentally answering Eve's question. Who would be better than two Hexenbiests at protecting the children?

What about two Grimms? Adalind asked herself.

"The pancakes are ready!" Diana yelled cheerfully from inside the kitchen. She walked into the living room with a plate stacked ten pancakes high which she set on the coffee table. They were cooked to perfection, as usual.

"That's great," Adalind said with as much happiness in her tone as she could manage.

"I'll go get the syrup!" Diana said, leaving the room just as quickly as she had entered.

"You have to tell her what's going on," Eve warned Adalind.

"I know," Adalind said anxiously, rising to her feet hesitantly and disappearing in the direction Diana had. Eve stayed behind on the living room couch, thinking Adalind would prefer to have this conversation with Diana alone.


Renard glared through the rain at the sign that read "The Lotus Cafe." He took a deep breath, pulled the door open, and walked inside with purpose, looking for the person he had been talking to on the phone earlier that morning. His eyes settled on a woman with long black hair reading the paper as she sipped from a cup of coffee in front of her.

Renard walked in her direction and sat in the booth across from her.

"I've heard good things about you," Renard said.

The woman set her coffee down and an impish smile spread across her face. "I wish I could say the same about you," she answered in a French accent.

Clearly, the woman knew enough about Renard to understand that he hadn't always been the 'good guy.'

Renard didn't think her joke was funny. "I've made mistakes, like anyone else," he said dismissively, even though his mistakes were much worse than the average person's.

The woman was still smiling at him with amusement. "Well, my brother trusted you, so I will, too."

Her brother...

Renard sucked in a breath. "I'm sorry about what happened to Sebastien," he said earnestly.

The woman nodded, no longer smiling. "Me, too," she said. "But that's not why you're here."

"No," Renard agreed. "I want to know about the work you've been doing."

The woman sucked in a deep breath in preparation to deliver the speech she knew Renard would be waiting for. "I joined the Laufer when Sebastien died," the woman explained quickly. "I wanted to help destroy the Royals and get revenge for my brother, but after a time, the Laufer's collective focus began to break apart. Suddenly, the Royals weren't the only force that we needed to protect the world from." The woman paused, staring off into space and seeing images of the chaos in her mind. "The Royals went after you and your child, Black Claw was attacking all over the globe, and the Reapers separated themselves from the Royals. As you know, Meisner," she continued. The name made Renard flinch, and he wondered to himself if his contact had heard about his betrayal of Meisner. The woman continued, not noticing Renard's discomfort. "Left the resistance to work for Hadrian's Wall as did most of the other Laufer members. It made sense considering how badly the Royals were decimated here in Portland. But I followed the Reapers... I don't know why. I just had a feeling that they were planning something, and here we are," she said grandly, gesturing to herself and Renard.

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