Chapter Two

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"We're done here," Adalind announced, quickly walking over to the table and pushing the pictures into a large pile. "No more," she added quickly, sounding like she was in a rush.

"Okay, just wait a minute, we-" Nick began to object gently. He watched as many of the pictures he spent the night arranging were shuffled carelessly into the random stack. He put his arm out in front of Adalind to block her from moving so she couldn't reach the pictures on the other half of the table to disorganize them.

"No, Nick! I don't want to hear it. You're not working on this case," she said decisively. She tried to move past his arms, but Nick moved his whole body to get in her way. He put one hand on her shoulder and used the other hand to grab the stack of pictures from Adalind's hand and set them back on the table.

"I know why you feel that way," Nick began again. "But..."

Adalind stared at him with a wide-eyed, worried expression.

Nick paused, thinking through his words to find a way to put them delicately. "If someone is killing Grimms, we need to stop them before they kill more."

"They could kill you!" Adalind said anxiously. "You have to get off of this case."

"Adalind, the more I find out, the safer I am. And the safer Trubel is," he said, gesturing in Trubel's direction. Trubel cringed at the mention of her name. She didn't want to get involved in their dispute.

"I need to know more," Nick protested.

"You need to get into witness protection," Adalind said angrily.

Now, Trubel had to step in. "That wouldn't work," she announced. Nick and Adalind both turned to face her, waiting for her to continue. "If they could find Angel, they can find us," Trubel pointed out. "Angel was legally dead and living completely off the grid. He had no family, no address..."

"Trubel's right," Nick told Adalind gently. "We have to find them first."

Adalind shook her head. "You aren't listening to me, I-"

Nick stopped her. "You're worried tha-"

"Don't interrupt me!" Adalind yelled at him. "The closer you get on this case the closer you get to the killers. And if something happened to you, I wouldn't know what to do without..." Adalind trailed off sadly.

"Nothing is going to happen," Nick promised, placing both of his hands on Adalind's shoulders to comfort her. It didn't work.

"You can't know that," Adalind disagreed quickly.

"I can't just stand by while-" Nick said anxiously. How was he supposed to explain to the woman he loved, the woman who loved him, that he would be in more danger if he did nothing?

"You don't really care what I want you to do, because you aren't going to listen to me anyway," Adalind snapped.

"Of course I care-" Nick began.

Adalind interrupted him. "But it's not enough," she said bitterly, looking at Nick's unconvinced expression. "So go ahead and work on this stupid case," Adalind yelled. She moved out from under Nick's arms. She looked at the table and waved her hand to send all of the pictures flying with her Hexenbiest powers. It almost looked like a violent gust of wind had blown them off...

Nick looked at the mess that Adalind had made and when he turned around to glance back at Adalind, he saw her walk into the bedroom and slam the door behind her with excessive force.

"Ouch," Trubel winced in response to the chaos unfolding in front of her.

Nick looked hopelessly at his closed bedroom door before rubbing his brow with his hand like he always did when he was upset.

Grimm Season 6, Episode 15: Reaping BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now