Chapter Four

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Nick's phone started buzzing as he walked out to his car. He pulled it from his pocket and saw it was Trubel.

"Hey," he greeted. "You know if you're still at the drive-thru, I could go for some fries."

"Nick, shut up! Trubel's gone!" Miles shouted into the phone.

Nick immediately started sprinting to his car. "Gone? What do you mean gone?!" he yelled back. He was already in the driver's seat, turning his key in the ignition.

"I-I don't know!" Miles yelled. "I sent her into the gas station to buy gas and-"

"Which gas station?" Nick asked quickly.

"Uh... The 76 in northeast on Schuyler," Miles said.

"I'm on my way!" Nick told him.

"Okay," Miles said. "I'll call Hank and Wu and tell them to meet us there."

They both hung up their phones and within a few minutes, Nick was at the scene. He pulled his car into a parking space adjacent to where Miles's car was parked. Miles was pacing in the parking spot on the other side of his car but stopped when he saw Nick.

Nick jumped out of his Land Cruiser and ran over to Miles.

"Where did it happen?" he asked.
"I found Trubel's phone around back," Miles said, pointing toward the back side of the gas station. Nick and Miles quickly ran to the back of the building where Nick examined the scene, relieved to see that there was no blood. I was likely that Trubel was still alive.

"The phone was right here," Miles said, pointing at the ground.

"And you didn't see what happened?" Nick asked him.

"No, but the clerk said he did," Miles offered, pointing toward the back door.

"I need to talk him," Nick said urgently.

"I'll go get him," Miles said. He jogged to the back door, went inside the building, and came out a few seconds later. Miles moved to stand alongside Nick while the clerk held out his hand to shake Nick's.

"I'm John," the man said.

Nick shook the man's hand, and introduced himself as "Detective Burkhardt." Nick was surprised when the man responded with, "I know" and tightened his grip on Nick's hand. As Nick tried to pull his hand away, he looked up at John's wicked grin and saw him woge into a Hasslich. Miles pulled Nick's gun from his holster while Nick's arm was still being controlled by the Hasslich and walked to stand next to John. The man named John let go of Nick's hand.

"You should know that Hank and Wu aren't coming," Miles said menacingly, racking the slide on Nick's gun to make sure there was a bullet in the chamber. He pointed the gun at Nick.

"You," Nick growled with understanding.
Miles laughed. "Yep."

Suddenly, an SUV pulled around to the back of the gas station.

"Let's go for a ride, shall we?" the man who introduced himself as John suggested.

Nick took a step back and looked over his shoulder where he could see his car parked in the distance. Could he make it to his car if he ran?

"I know what you're thinking," Miles said. "And I wouldn't try it if I were you. Remember your friend is currently at our mercy, and your decisions affect you both."

"If anything happens to her, I swear to God-" Nick began to threaten.

"We've heard it all before, Burkhardt," Miles said impatiently. As Nick glared at Miles, John used Nick's fixation to plunge a needle into his arm. Nick was unconscious in seconds. Miles and John let him fall to the ground before exchanging a satisfied expression.

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