Chapter Twenty-Five

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Angel was lying on Trubel's bed, one arm behind his head and the other wrapped around Trubel who was lying next to him, resting her head on his chest.

"I'm a little surprised," Angel began, staring up at the ceiling.

"About the fact that no one has tried to kill us tonight?" Trubel guessed, also staring above herself at the ceiling. Every second, she worried that her time with Angel would come to an abrupt end. She had stolen a knife and handcuff keys from the guards that Diana had killed, and now she had one of the keys in her pocket along with the knife; she gave the other key to Angel.

"No, about you," Angel corrected her. Trubel kept her attention on the ceiling, but her features twisted into an expression of confusion.


"I mean, I didn't think you'd forgive me, and now you're letting me hold you in my arms like I used to," Angel said with a blissful grin spreading across his face.

"We don't have time to be mad at each other," Trubel told him gently.

Suddenly, they were both reminded of the danger they were in. Angel pulled Trubel closer to him instinctively.

It was quiet for a moment before Angel blurted out, "I feel like I'm lying to you."

That got Trubel's attention. Even though she had just told Angel that they didn't have time to be angry, she was already beginning to change her mind. After everything, she thought she would explode if Angel lied to her one more time.

She sat up quickly and adjusted herself so she could examine Angel's expression. Angel sat up just as quickly, alarmed by Trubel's strong reaction.

"What are you talking about?" Trubel asked suspiciously.

Angel cringed. "We haven't really talked about this," Angel said, gesturing vaguely to himself. Trubel thought she knew what he meant; they haven't talked about how different he looked.

"So you're a blonde now," Trubel said dismissively, almost trying to make a joke of it.

"That's not it," Angel interrupted, sounding frustrated. He was having a hard time explaining himself. "I... I don't know if I can honestly tell you that I'm really Angel."

Trubel stared at Angel wordlessly with a confused expression on her face.

"I have Angel's memories," Angel began. "But does that really make me him? What about the guy who had this body? What about his brain? What if he has a mental disorder that I don't know about or something? What about Angel's soul if you believe in that sort of thing?"

"Angel-" Trubel said, trying to interrupt his worried rants.

"And I'm not a Grimm anymore. What part of my - I mean, Angel's - identity depended on being a Grimm? Could I be Angel as a Fuchsbau? Can I be a confused, soulless, Grimmless Angel?" he continued in a panic.

"I don't know what makes a person themself," Trubel confesses. "I don't know if it's memories or something else... Who do you think you are?" Trubel asked him seriously.

Angel shook his head. His expression made it look like he was in pain. "I don't know. I don't know who I am," Angel said with anxiety.

"Well, who do you feel like?" Trubel rephrased.

"I feel like Angel," Angel said. His voice cracked, and Trubel could see tears welling up in his eyes. "When I woke up, I didn't even know I was someone else," he winced. "And now I'm here with you which I never thought would happen, and I remember Angel loving you, and I feel like I do, too," he rambled. He sounded like he was about to start crying. Trubel had never seen him like this.

Grimm Season 6, Episode 15: Reaping BeautyWhere stories live. Discover now