Chapter Three

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Sorry, this chapter took so long! I hope you like it!



"Let us know if there's anything else we can do for you," Ian suggested earnestly. He glanced between the three Grimms around him and wondered how many would be left when the Grimm murder spree came to a close.

Nick nodded. "We will," he promised. He looked over at Trubel about to ask her if she was ready to leave when the Grimm named Miles stood up from his chair.

"I want to help you guys, too, if I can," he offered.

Trubel turned to him. "You're a Grimm. Whatever's going on affects you, too," she noted. "We'll be keeping you in the loop."

Suddenly, Nick's phone started buzzing in his pocket. Everyone turned to watch him as he checked the caller ID, announced it was Wu, and answered it.

"You got something?" he asked quickly.

"If by something, you mean the murderer's car, plates, and identity, then yes, I believe we do," Wu said enthusiastically over the phone.

Nick put the phone on speaker. "Alright, Wu, let's hear it," he announced.

"On the security footage, we found a black van that stopped near the crime scene around 2:00 this morning. We ran the plates, discovering that the van belongs to a Burt Gerstein."

Trubel nodded in Miles's direction, and he leaned over the desk he had been sitting at and began typing on his computer again. After a moment, he announced, "There are a few matches for that name. I need something else."

"What else can you tell us about him?" Nick asked quickly.

"Well, he is 39, works for a company that makes medications-" Wu began to list.

After a few more keystrokes, Miles said, "Got him."

"What is he?" Hank asked over the phone. After all, if the man was a Grimm he could have been one of the other victims.

Ian, Miles, Nick, and Trubel all looked up at the screen.

"Blutbad," Ian announced. "Which means he could have been one of the people behind the murders."

"There has to be more than just him," Trubel said certainly. "I mean, Angel could've killed a pack of Blutbaden with his eyes closed."

"When we track him down, we can push him to admit who else he's working with," Nick said in agreement with Trubel.

"If you can track him down," Wu challenged.

"We just got off the phone with his boss. He hasn't shown up to work for three days," Hank explained to the group.

Nick exchanged a look with Trubel. "That's right when the bodies started appearing," Nick said.

"That's what we were thinking," Hank said.

"We put an APB out on the van. We'll see if that turns into something. Until then, we've got his home address," Wu offered up.

"So do we," Nick said, looking up at Gerstein's information displayed on the large TV screen in front of him. "We'll meet you there in 20."

Nick hung up the phone and looked at Ian.

"We'll let you know what else we find out," Ian promised. Miles nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, guys," Trubel approved. She started walking toward the door that led to the hallway. "I was thinking you could call Monroe and Rosalee, and I'd call Eve so they can know what's going on," she began planning as she walked. She didn't receive a response and looked behind herself, seeing that Nick hadn't moved and, instead, was staring at the screen with the van owner's face displayed across it.

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