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Metal against was all that was heard around the room or many minuits, along with grunts and curses.

"Damnit Aito! Get out of my way!" The orange haired guys growled as he did a backflip to avoid crashing into Aito.

"Sorry boss." Aito quickly said before focusing back on Hinata, who was winning against him.

"Ha!" It was all over for him because of that moment of distraction as Hinatas palm, flaming purple with her twin lion technique, slammed into his stomach, draining him of his chakra.

Aito fell on the floor with a loud thud, teeth clenched in pain.

Hinata grinned proudly for a moment, but turned her attention to Sasuke and the orange haired man fighting.

"Sasuke!" Hinata screamed when she saw him trip over the mans let and cut his cheek on his katana.

Her boots slammed on the floor as she ran towards him.

"Sasuke! Are you okay?" Hinata didn't know much about medical ninjutsu, but she had learned just a bit by hanging around Sakura for so long, and her being a professional medical nin, it wasn't a surprise she picked up things from her here and there.

She placed her glowing green hand on his injury, but before she could send any healing chakra through, she heard the sound of a katana being sheathed and the sound of running.

Hinata immediately snapped up, spotting the orange haired man running at her in full speed.

She remained calm, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath.

A purple glow encased her, and when her eyes snapped open, they were midnight blue instead of the soft lilac and white that was normally there.

"Zeus!" Was all she yelled before the roar of a lion bounced around the walls.

The sound of paws thundering down the floor was all that was heard before the man was tackled to the ground.

Hinata ran to the two, gently telling Zeus to get off of him. But just before he did, there was a cruel snap and an ear piercing scream.

The man clutched his right arm, crying with agony over his broken arm.

Hinata wasn't a cruel person, but she felt a sense of pride and was mortified when she caught a smirk growing on her lips.

"You won't get away with this you bitch!" He flipped up, holding his katana in an upright position.

"Try me."

He charged forward with an inhuman speed, catching Hinata off guard. He managed to deliver a punch to her spine, but that was it.

Hinata felt like she was about to fall, but she pushed through the pain and kicked the man as hard as she could between his legs.

With a scream, he fell to the floor, almost crying. Hinata took the opportunity to attack him.

"Gentle fist art: one blow body!" Hinata said as she sent a blast of chakra through her hands towards him, that ultimately eliminated all the chakra from his chakra points.


His last breath left his body as he died right there and then.

And to think this all was done without a single drop of blood.

Hinata fell to the ground panting. She brushed the stray locks of hair away from her sweaty face.

A pair of hands massaged her shoulders. "Good job princess."

"Thanks. And stop calling me that." Hinata leaned against Zeus's chest and closed her eyes.

Not even minuits later, she was scooped in a pair of warm arms.

"I'll take her from here." Sasuke's voice reached her ears but she was too comfortable to open her eyes.

"You did a great job, Hina. I'm proud of you." He whispered in her ear before placing a kiss on her lips.

Hinata was surprised, making her snap open her eyes.

"What?" Sasuke raised a brow.

"Nothing." She smiled before wrapping her arms around his neck.

She lifted herself up and kissed him on the lips.

Sasuke responded back eagerly and shifted her so that he was holding her by her waist, her legs dangling in the air.

It was as of something had snapped inside of both of then, a deep desire burning in them that made them loose control of everything and focus only on each other.

Now, neither of them had any experience with romance, so it was a surprise how well they both were handling things.

Hinata wasn't really aware of what was happening until her back was pressed firmly against a wall that she realised how quickly things were escalating.

She had, at one point, wrapped her legs around Sasuke's waist, and he had his hands under her shirt.

"Mnmmm..." she squirmed as his hands slowly moved up her stomach, lifting her shirt.

Sasuke pulled back with wide eyes.

"I'm sorry..." he quietly put her down and turned his head away to hide his bright red face.

"No, it's fine. I guess we just got carried away." Hinata tried not to make him embarrased, but she was also dying with embarrassment on the inside.

There was an awkward silence between them as they fixed themselves up.

"So what do we do about his teammates?" Hinata broke the silence, not able to handle it any longer.

"We got you covered!" A loud, obnoxious voice intervened.

Hinata turned around with a surprised face, Sasuke close behind her.


"Who else?" The blond grinned ear to ear.

"That's a surprise."

"Why? Didn't Kakashi-sensei say we were coming?" Naruto scratched his head.

"Yeah, but I was assuming it would take much longer than just two days and a half." Hinata then shook her head.

"Anyways, how did you find this place and what happened to his teammates?" She got to the real point.

"Sakura and Sai are after his teammates. We found them running away. And I just tracked yours and Sasuke's chakras. Anymore questions?" Naruto explained.

"No." Sasuke interjected. "Let's go." He walked past both of them, picking up his pace.

Hinata thought nothing of it and walked alongside of Naruto, talking.

"So, how has everything been back home?" She asked.

"Oh... well, very dull since you've gone away."

When Hinata raised a brow, he scrambled to rephrase his sentence.

"No no! I meant as in since you're not around anymore, things are fun! Oh crap! Um-" he stumbled to get the right words out of his mouth.

Hinata laughed at his situation. He was so effortlessly funny.

"I get it Naruto. It's fine." She placed a hand on his shoulder as she doubled over laughing.

Naruto was glad she understood what he was trying to say.

A bittersweet smile crept up his lips seeing her so happy. He was about to delve in his memories when he shook his head, refusing to let the heartbreak get to him again.

"Hinata... come on. Let's catch up to Sasuke before he desides to leave us behind here."

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