"I thought you said it was night time for you? And yes, I slept well. Thanks for asking."

I got up and walked to the toilet. But unlike most days, I brought my phone with me and put it on the shelf above the sink. And while I washed my hands, a new text ticked in.

"It is. But my body doesn't know."

For some strange reason, that made me blush. In my mind he was still just a floating head. A head that I didn't know what looked like, but had a constant diarrhea of questions coming out of it. Ridiculous. Of course he had a body.

"You didn't tell me what your favorite song was," he added shortly after. And I rolled my eyes. In his head we were already dating, so if I told him, it would probably be an invitation to make me an 'I❤️U' -mixtape or something. I giggled. That would actually be cute. But since I couldn't make up my mind, I decided to start asking him questions too. Gabby would be so proud of me.

"And you didn't tell me why you were busy last night."

I almost bit my tongue after I'd pushed 'send'. Did I really want to know? Maybe it was something weird or perverted or..."

"I was at a concert."

Oh. That sounded pretty normal.

"Really? Who?" I typed back.


I laughed out loud, and almost choked on my toothpaste as I spat it out into the sink.

"Funny... Come on. Who was it?"

"Okay. It was Michael Jackson."

I nearly dropped my phone. And my hands were literally trembling while I wrote back.

"FR?! That's insane! Was it good?"

"Yeah, I hope so? Why?"

"Hope? Dude, Michael Jackson is the greatest artist ever! And he's the reason why I'll probably die bitter and lonely. 😂 No offense to you of course, but he's the man of my dreams."

I realized that time ran away with me, so I quickly pulled out some clothes from my closet, and put them on. And I smiled when I discovered that I'd coincidentally had put on a red t-shirt. Maybe this date wasn't such a bad idea after all? Even if we didn't match in personality, we could always talk about Michael. And I could milk him from every tiny detail from the concert, and then go home and cry myself to sleep in jealousy for not being there myself.

"So you like him? 😅"


I smirked all the way to the kitchen, where I grabbed myself something to eat before leaving for school.

"Oh... 😔" he replied, and I giggled. Then I wrote an explanation.

"I don't like him. I love him! 💖 Don't you? I mean, you were even at his concert."

"Well... I guess. Have you been to one?"

Shit! I should have left five minutes ago. This guy is seriously distracting me!

"No, I haven't. I gtg to school now, but keep talking."

Then I quickly typed text to Gabby:

"He likes Michael Jackson!!!! 😍😭"

And then I ran.


Gabby looked like she was going to explode with questions when I entered the classroom half an hour later, just in time for Ms. Brennan to arrive. But I still grabbed the chance to check my phone, while she started preparing for class.

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