30- Roman's POV

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Virgil was quiet the entire ride back to the house. He seemed to be debating something with himself.

"Virge?" I said once the sleigh stopped, "we're home."

He nodded silently. I sighed and kissed his temple.

"Go inside, I'll take care of them." I told him.

"Okay." Virgil whispered, climbing off the sleigh, "I love you."

"I love you too Virge." I smiled softly.

One Virgil was safely inside his or my room, I took Deceit out of the back of the sleigh. The snake would be fine if he woke up in our house, albeit a little shocked and scared, but nothing like how Remus would react.

See, Remus doesn't do well under stress. He becomes very destructive to the point where he's a danger to himself. I remember the first time he snapped all to well.

I grimaced at the memory as I layed Deceit on the couch. Patton and Logan weren't around to I left a quick note on Deceit's hat in case they found him here. Then I left to get my brother.

I picked up Remus. He seemed much lighter than he should be, just like Deceit had been. They should be a healthy weight. In the Mindscape we don't have to eat unless we go outside our homes. Even then the Mindscape provides us with fruits and stuff to eat.

I carefully let my brother fall onto an armchair near Deceit. I hated having to leave him, but we all agreed it was for Thomas's best interests. Well, us light sides agreed. They said they could still help Thomas. But even after all these years, I don't see how they could help.

I'll have to talk with Patton and Logan, but first I have to find my stormcloud.

I checked Virgil's room first, but it was empty. So next I went to my room.

"Virge?" I called, opening my door.

Almost immediately the anxious trait was in my arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Is it because of them?" I asked, softer this time.

He nodded, his knees buckling. I caught him and eased us both to the ground.

"I don't know what to think of them." Virgil whispered, "they hurt me, they killed me for gods sake! I should hate them. I should be scared of them. But I can't help but wonder if they're... if they're like me."

"What do you mean?" I asked, rocking us slightly.

Virgil sighed, "what if... what if they're not all bad? I know it's stupid but still. What if they were just angry and scared?"

I nodded, "I've often wondered that myself."

Virgil looked up at me.

"We kicked them out because they weren't helping Thomas. They only got him in trouble at school, so we made them leave." I sighed, "we always said we would let them back when Thomas was older, but then you showed up, and what they did to you..."

Virgil nodded and stayed quiet.

"Listen," I tilted his chin up, " I won't let them hurt you again. I promise."

He nodded. I leaned down to kiss him. Virgil wrapped his arms around my neck.

A scream from the commons broke us apart.

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