19- Roman's POV

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I slowly drifted awake on the couch. Anxiety had fallen asleep earlier, just before Thomas left, and because he wouldn't let go of me, I became his pillow. I didn't mind it to much for some reason though. While I was carefully stretching my arms I noticed...

Anxiety was no longer sleeping on my  chest.

"Anx!" I yelled, sitting up fully awake.

"Anxiety is fine." Logan said, not looking up from his book, "he's in the kitchen with Patton."

I breathed a sigh of relief, falling back against the couch, "by the gods... I thought he..."

Logan closed his book with a sigh, "Anxiety did not fade. He said that he's not in much pain anymore and he is no longer transparent."

"That's good." I slowly sat up again, "do you have any idea what caused... that?"

Logan shook his head, "not a clue. Anxiety won't talk about it either, but then again we haven't asked him yet."

"Okay." I sighed.

"Is everything alright Roman?" Logan asked.

"I just..." I hesitated, "when Anxiety had no affect over us, I felt so brave! But now that he's back, everything I did during that time was way too reckless and stupid. It made me realize how much I-we need him."

Logan smirked, picking up his book again, "if I didn't know better I would think you had romantic feelings for Anxiety."

I felt my face go bright red as I sputtered out a respose, "wha-! No! No way! I don't like Anxiety! Well I mean I like his as a friend- but not anything else!"

"That's totally why you always call me Hot Topic." Anxiety smirked, sitting next to me with a bowl of chicken noodle soup, "Right Princy?"

"Anx!" I smiled brightly, "how are you feeling?"

He shrugged, "I'm mainly just hungry and tired."

I nodded, "understandable."

"So Anxiety, what exactly happened?" Logan asked, closing his book again.

The anxious trait sighed and stared into his soup, "I... I tried to duck out."

"Quack." Patton whispered.

"Duck out?" I asked.

"Quack quack." Patton whispered again, making Anxiety chuckle.

"Yeah, I never really felt like I was wanted every time I showed up, even if it was mostly scripted." Anxiety admitted, "so I tried to quit."

"But Anx, you're so important." I told him, "Thomas would be a mess without you!"

"It's true!" Patton chimed in, seeing Anxiety's disbelieving face.

"And even if you weren't as important as you are, you are still the best person to have an intellectual conversation with." Logan said.

"Thanks?" Anxiety laughed lightly.

"Anx, you do so much for Thomas," I said, "You make us... better."

Anxiety smiled, "thanks Princy."

"Great. So we're all settled here, right?" Logan asked.

"Wait!" Anxiety yelled, "I kinda wanna tell you all something, but, big surprise, I'm really anxious about it."

"Anxious! Like your name!" Patton giggled.

"Uh, yep, ye-huh, you're great Patt." Anxiety tried to hide a smirk, "but on the subject of my name..."

"You don't have to-"

"Shh!" Logan was cut off by Patton.

"Why did we have to have a heart felt moment?" Anxiety sighed.

The room was completely silent as he took a deep breath.

"My name is Virgil!"

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