20- Virgil's POV

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I don't think I was breathing as everyone stared at me. Why did I think telling them my name was a good idea!?

"Vir-gil?" Logan said, testing the name.

"Oh, well that doesn't end with an -AN or an -ON." Patton said, "shouldn't it be Virgin?"

Roman stifled a laugh as my face went red.

"Virgin ends with -IN Patton." Logan sighed.

"Oh whoopsie doodles I'll just take back that sentance." Patton giggled, "sorry Virgil."

I gave him a small smile, "thanks Patt."

"That was... brave of you to tell us, Virgil." Roman said, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah..." I shrugged my hoodie up, "well you can call me Virge."

Roman laughed, "will do Virge. And if you feel so left out in the videos, I have an idea to fix that."

I gave him a strange look, "what's the idea?"

"Accepting Anxiety! A two part vid!" Roman yelled.

"A two part video?" I said, "I-I don't know."

"I think it's really neat!" Patton giggled, "what will it be about Roman?"

"Well," Roman started, "Anxiety ducks out and Thomas acts like an aloof moron! Then we journey to Anxiety's room to find him! That will be the end of part one! The second part will be convincing anxiety to come back and-!"

"And telling our viewers the possible upsides to anxiety!" Logan finished, his eyes shining, "Roman that's brilliant! Which is quite unusual for you."

"I know-! Wait what?" Roman stopped his sentance short.

I laughed, "that sounds pretty cool. And then I can stop acting as the bad guy."

"Awe Virge, just take it from Wreck it Ralph," Patton said, placing a hand on my shoulder, "you may have been a bad guy, but that doesn't mean you're a bad guy."

I smiled softly, "thanks Patton, that's barely relevant."

"So you're on board with pitching this idea to Thomas, Joan, and Talyn?" Roman asked.

I sighed heavily, then smiled, "yeah, why not? Let's do it."

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