21- Roman's POV

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"Virge?" I knocked on his door, "how are you doing after the video?"

I was met with silence.

"Virge?" I asked again.

Still nothing. I was starting to get worried, which at least means he's still there.

"Virgil! I'm coming in!" I said, sinking down to his room.

When I rose up in his room, I didn't immediety see Virgil. I had a moment of panic before I noticed the lump on the bed.

Virgil was fast asleep. I paused for a moment. I had never seen him so calm before. He was almost...

No! I can't be getting feelings for him! No matter how adorable he may be!

"Roman? What're you doin' 'ere?" Virgil mumbled, sitting up.

I jumped, "oh! Nothing, I was just making sure you were okay."

"Oh." Virgil yawned, "I'm okay. I'm always tired after videos, so I usually have a nap. Social exhaustion and all."

"In that case I'm sorry for interrupting," I told him, "I'll leave if you need-"

"No, it's fine." Virgil sighed, "I was about to wake up and watch a movie anyway. I-If you want you can stay?"

A movie? Dr. Gloom wanted to watch a movie with me?

"It's the new Frozen movie." Virgil smirked, summoning a bowl of popcorn.

I sighed, shaking my head with a small smile, "only because it's Disney."

Virgil smiled, scooting over and patting the spot on his bed next to him. I rolled my eyes, sitting down.

His bed was surprisingly soft and warm. I would have thought it would feel like how those Tim Burton movies looked, seeing how he liked them so much.

"So why Frozen 2?" I asked, taking a handful of popcorn as the movie started.

Virgil shrugged, "it's the continuation of an instant classic."

I smirked, "its because Brendon Urie sings in it, isn't it?"

Virgil's face went red, "shut up."

I laughed lightly. We went quiet as we watched the movie and ate popcorn.

About halfway through, I felt a weight on my shoulder. I looked over to see Virgil fast asleep, one hand still in the almost empty popcorn bowl.

I sighed softly, wrapping an arm around him. Guess I'm his pillow now.

I was going to wait until the movie ended to wake him up, but then I felt the pull of sleep tug me into a sweet dream land.

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