Chapter 25: Pompom

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Y/N is with the League trying to find somewhere to live other than that..warehouse. She decided to stop by at a convenience store, just changing her hair color, wearing a mask and making herself a few inches taller to hide her identity because she might see Shoto again in that small girl form.

Bakugo was heading to a convenience store to buy milk and eggs.

Y/N looked around the convenience store to find those gummy bears she was eating last week, it was sweet and squishy so she loved it. (as all gummy bears are) Unable to find the gummy bears, she settled for marshmallows instead. The time used for finding gummy bears was spent by Bakugo to enter the same convenience store, trying to buy milk and eggs for breakfast.

Which he never did but some unknown force of mind made him do chores.

He doesn't even know why he's buying milk and eggs when he can be training by now.

He scratched his neck, brushing his ash blond sharp strands out of his eyes to see a young woman holding a bag of marshmallows to the counter. Her eyes were like Y/N's, gentle and tired.. but it wasn't her. Y/N had long beautiful h/c hair while this young woman had short lilac hair. Bakugo stared at her for a little while, she was taller and looked more like an adult. Bakugo stared too much.

The young woman felt a pair of eyes behind her back so without looking, she just stepped forward, slightly bumping an old man in front of her who was lining up for the counter.

"Ah! I'm very sorry!" She bowed.

No doubt, that voice was Y/N's.

Bakugo gently put down the eggs and was trembling. He was making weird sounds, expressing his absolute shock. Y/N found it funny so she decided to look back at who was making those sounds. Her laugh was cut by a gasp-


They were both shocked.

Bakugo resisted the urge to grab her.

That was a joke.

Bakugo saw her cry then he ran to hug her. He stroked her lilac hair which turned to h/c right after, then Bakugo could feel Y/N get a few inches shorter. He buried his head in her neck, rubbing circles on her back, still stroking her hair to stop her trembling. Y/N hasn't had this in..well...forever. The cashier and the old man forgot what they were doing to look at them, smiling.

Bakugo broke the hug and looked into Y/N's face, cupping her cheeks to look at her eyes. There were big tears in Bakugo's eyes, his beautiful, oh so beautiful crimson eyes, puffed and soaked. He smiled. Y/N couldn't breathe, she was crying so much and small baby sobs escaped her mouth, mumbling Bakugo's name everytime she sobbed. They both looked like a mess, both were sobbing, both didn't know how to react.

Bakugo hugged her again and looked up to blink away the tears. He whispered to Y/N's ears.

"I'm so sorry, I love you, I missed you, why did you leave us? You made me worry Shorty!" More and more things he wanted to say to Y/N, Y/N giggled and wiped her tears on Bakugo's shoulder. Bakugo's shirt had two dark marks. 

After paying for their things. Bakugo immediately ran, grabbing Y/N's hand.

"Oi, where are we going?"

They stopped at a familiar spicy ramen shop with Maroshi standing by the windows, cleaning them.

Y/N smiled widely, she pushed Bakugo and greeted Maroshi with open arms. "MAROSHI!!"

The young boy turned back and his mouth was wide open. He hugged back. "Bakugo-san's lady friend!!" Maroshi teased.

Then again, the staff went "huh? that hag has a girlfriend?" "Oh my god the pom pom firecracker? surprising."

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