Chapter 21

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Sorry I dont memorize their fight scene, bear with me I'm sacrificing two Chinese classes and a Science for this lmao.
This is a long ass chapter.

Aizawa raised his eyebrows as Y/N said the last question. 'What did those two do?!'  He thought. Duplicates of the unknown villan started appearing. Aizawa needed Y/N's help ir he and the other students will put to danger. "Y/N! Help!" A pro who asked for a student's help just stared at the girl chilling while he's being killed more like. "Bakugo, Todoroki..they're being targeted. You need to help us prevent that!" Aizawa said, forgetting Y/N was also targeted.

With speed not even visible to the eyes, Y/N stabbed the villan, who turned into mud. "What the-" "They're duplicates! Find Bakugo! He's the main target! Keep him safe!"

Y/N obeyed and flew to the sky to find him. Shoji, who was carrying Midoriya got inline with her. "L/N-san, are you alright?" He said. "I'm fine, Midoriya! What happened to you?!" Midoriya was covered in scars and he broke his limbs, again. Y/N wanted to patch him up with Restoration but if she tires herself now, she won't be able to save Bakugo and Todoroki.

By this time, she has no stamina left. Y/N noticed another presence. "Tokoyami!" Shoji pulled her down in the bushes as the enormous shadow tried to find where the sound came from. "What the- what's Tokoyami doing?!" Y/N whisopered. "Poor Tokoyami can't control dark shadow, it's gotten too dark." Shoji explained. "But I have a plan, but I need you to find Todoroki and Bakugo, we can't overuse your quirks just yet." Midoriya gestured to Y/N.

As much as Y/N hate this, she followed, knowing Midoriya is great with strategies.

"I'm on it."

Y/N flew to the air to find Bakugo and Todoroki. She found them fighting a villan with some kind of physical damage quirk by doing some enhancing in his teeth. She landed with super strength on top of the villan.

She crushed him but not too much to kill him. "Katsuki, Sho-" Y/N hesitated.

"Bakugo,Todoroki, we need your quirks." Y/N restated. "Tokoyami got out of control."

"TODOROKI! KACCHAN!" Midoriya and Shoji were charging towards them. Tokoyami and Dark Shadow were rampaging the trees. "Now!" Y/N signals. As they engulf the place with light. Dark Shadow was getting stable and Todoroki gave Y/N a snare. "We need to get Bakugo to the camp." Y/N says.

An aura formed between the three of them and Midroiya wondered why. "Why can't you heal Midriya with your quirk?" Todoroki coldly asked. "If I tire myself I can't protect you while we get to the camp." Y/N replies.

"We don't need your protection. So shut up and teleport back to camp." Bakugo reacts.


"We don't plan of having a collaboration, Midoriya." Todoroki turns his back on them
"I'll leave, Midoriya, get Bakugo to the camp." Y/N offers. "But Y/N-"

"It's fine. I'll go check if someone needs my help." She heads off back to the forest but Midoriya grabs her shoulder. "Ne Y/N,  you have to be careful too. Your father is still waiting for you to come back home."

'Which father?'

"Nothing will happen to me, thanks for worrying, Midoriya."

Todoroki and Bakugo watch as Y/N runs quirkless through the forest, both worried but at the same time, angry. Todoroki scoffs. "We don't need her, let's get back to the camp."


Y/N now finds herself in a place where the fire started, hiding by the trees. The villan with scars is still burning the trees. Y/N sees Aoyama, hiding behind the big rocks so that he won't be seen. With injured students surrounding him, he was so afraid. At the sight of Y/N, he sighed quietly. "Y/N-chan, what are you doing here?" Aoyama asked. "I came to help. Aoyama, please drag the injured students to a corner. I'll take care of the villans." Aoyama nods and starts to drag them slowly.

Activating her invisibility, she slowly approaches the two villans. "Hey Dabi, how will they kidnap All for One's daughter, if she's in the camp building?" One of the villains to the other villains. "I know she got out of the camp building. She gotta protect our other target." The villain named Dabi says. A twig breaks as Y/N walks to them. "She's here." Dabi says. He lets out scorching hot flames. Y/N doesn't get affected but her vision of the villains is now gone but she found them immediately. "Keep a distance, Twice!" Dabi warned. "Hohoho, running away? You disappoint me." Y/N taunts. (I put a reference btw)

"Shit!" Twice says as he tries to run away. "Don't run!" Y/N appears at his side with alarming, no, GALACTIC speed and slams him to the ground, making it crack. Dabi tries to run as fast as he can but with Y/N's Pyrokinesis, blue flames appear, confusing Dabi which flames were generated by him.

Y/N levitates and uses Hydrokinesis to spray enormous amounts of water everywhere so the fire stops burning the trees. Dabi escapes his confusion and starts running again but Y/N dives down from the air and kicks him on the back but limits the damage just in case his spine breaks. The ground breaks as Dabi's body receives the impact.

Y/N felt dizzy and any moment now, her sanity will decrease and she will faint. Both the reader and the author know its the wrong time for her to reach her limit.

She lands softly to the ground in front of Aoyama. "Y/N, you have to go back to the camp, they would've targeted you." Aoyama said with an unusual tone, indicating that he is concerned. "It's fine, I'll handle." Y/N just ate her own words as she slightly lost balance and fell but she swiftly grabbed onto her knees. "Y/N-"

"I'm fine, just go back to the camp." She reassured.  "Bring the other students to the camp,call out to me if you need hel-"

Suddenly Y/N was being pulled into an enpowered space. Aoyama's eyes widened as Y/N turned into a fucking marble. "Y-Y-Y/N.."

The villain laughed held the marble close to him. "I got her, I got her!" The villain found  Aoyama. "Oh? What do we have here? Kindly tell your classmates that I got your trump card.

And we're gonna kill her."

The villain laughs again,runs and escapes through the trees. Aoyama screams loudly and carries the injured students to the camp.

Bakugo and the others heard Aoyama's scream. "Who's that?" Midoriya asks. Tokoyami grunts and continues walking. "Bakugo, if they capture you, our teachers would have to be in court and you could die. So let's get moving." Tokoyami warns. "I won't die you fucking twat, and someone might need our help." Bakugo protested and they headed to where the scream was heard.

Bakugo was running front line, he bumped into Aoyama who was running blind. "Bakugo! Merci!" Aoyama says. "What the fuck?! What's with the injured students?"  Aoyama was panting and was spacing out. "Oi! What happened?!" Tokoyami asked.

"Y/N's b-been captured by the villains! H-he told me t-that they're gonna kill her!" Aoyama bloated. Bakugo's eyes twitched and Todoroki's eyes widened.

"Stop f-fooling around croissant! She's fine!" Bakugo yelled. "No! I saw it with my own eyes!" Aoyama snapped. Bakugo clenched his fists, grabbing the grass. Todoroki lost his temper and grabbed Aoyama by his clothes. "You better stop lying, Aoyama."

"I'm not!" Aoyama reasoned again. Bakugo swiftky got to his feet and looked at Todoroki.

Todoroki was trembling and thought what he said to her.

'Get out my sight.'

"Todoroki." Bakugo called.
Todoroki half-turned and looked at the ground. "We have to save her."

Im a jackass for ending this chapter here but I had too coz Chinese class is over lol. Anyway, updating would kinda be difficult for me but thanks for always supporting this story!

If you have read this far into your adventure, then you get a prize!


*that's author's love if anyone wants it*

I've been observing the reads and not all people read again after I update so thanks for reading this!

-k i y o k o

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