Chapter 9: Was That a DATE?

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"We never are!" You yelled back as he stood up again. "Fight me." You tempted. He evily smiled and dashed straight at you. He gave you that right swing which you expected. "Bakugo Katsuki, right handed and has really bad anger issues." You loudly say while he's throwing hits at you as you swiftly dodge. "Your enemy has information about you! Give them something unexpected!" You advise. "STOP FUCKING TELLING ME WHAT TO DO!" He shouted angrily. You jumped and wrapped your thighs around his head as you gave him weight, he fell down with his head between his thighs which made him flustered a little bit. " called unexpected."  He pushed your thighs away and he stood up. 'Much expected of All Might's daughter.' He thought. 'Although All Might's fighting doesn't really involve unexpected.' He added another thought. This made you flinch because you learned that move when you were still....

A weapon.

"This internship be the first time I will be training with my dad." You randomly say. Although you don't trust anyone, you really need to spill it. The pain in you was agonizing as you grew although you remained strong. You weren't depressed, just....really sad. Your dad was mostly with Midoriya and you thought he forgot he had a daughter, or rather...adopted daughter. Yes, you do admit you were quite jealous. That is inevitable, but seeing as he wasn't there for you wh3n you needed him the most, you almost gave up and became a villan again. Which..

You were quite planning to do, but you were also uncertain.

You wanted Bakugo to be the No. 1 hero because you see him as worthy unlike you who wanted to be a villan at some point in your life.

"Your dad is All Might, that is imposible don't fucking give me shit." He grumbled. "It's not a lie. Dad has been with Midoriya for most of the time." At that mention of his green-haired, cinnamon roll, rival-friend (or not.) Bakugo shot up and smiled (with his eyebrows arched of course) "You hate that fucking bastard too?!" He asked rather......roughly. You just nodded with your angry face on."Just because they have similar quirks doesn't mean he can just go and train him but not me." You cover up your Dad's secret and play along. "FINALLY SOMEONE WHO UNDERSTANDS." He held his hands up to the air and you chuckled at his funny stance. You and Bakugo continued training till 6:57PM.

While you were walking with him going home, you two had a little chat. "So..powerful princess with daddy issues, how about we go to a restaurant or something I haven't fucking ate yet!!" He complained. Actually this was your first time anyone besides yoir dad has ever ate dinner with you and you didn't know how to respond to that.

"Uh...I-I don't know any ramen stores near by..." You reply. "What a fucking pain..." Bakugo looked around and recognized the area. 'Hey I know this place, its near my house.' He looked around to see a particular street and jolted. He grabbed your hand and ran to that street. "Wh-what are you doing?!" You flinched seeing as the grip on your hand was hard and painful. "I'm taking you to my favorite ramen store near by, just follow me bitch.!" "But can you atleast stop holding my hand so hard?!" You try to wiggle your hand but he suddenly lightened his grip. "Fine. Weak ass." He grumbled.

He continued running in that direction until you saw a small but cute ramen store, no pedestrians are near by so it's really free of space and not much customers are inside. You and Bakugo went inside and a boy with round glasses and a cute little apron on and also around 13 or 14 came to you. "Onii-san Bakugo! You're here again!" Bakugo got pissed of what the guy called him infront of his um....person-who-he-has-positive-feelings-for-but-won't-really-admit-it. "MAROSHIII!!!!" Explosions were seen from his palms but Maroshi's hand absorbed all the heat and the explosions were no longer seen. "You never change Onii-san Bakugo!" He smiled, he looked towards you and shot you a cute smile too, which you almost died coz his smile is so cute and so deadly. 'Too cute' You thought. "Uwaaa! Onii-san Bakugo has a girlfriend!" He said so loud that all of the staff members looked at us. "Bakugo has a girl friend" "I never thought he'd have one" "Amazing." Bakugo got really pissed and ticked with Maroshi and was really red, like....super red. You were also very flustered because everyone was looking at you and you hate attention. "N-No i-it's not like that...." You started and everyone minded thir own business right after. "Awwww...You two look like a great couple  though.." Maroshi sighed. "Anywhooo....what would you like?" He asked you. "Would you like to ask Bakugo first? I'm kinda new here." You shyly say. "Oh I already know his order, he comes in here alot." You looked at the menu and only saw spicy ramen.

Super Hot
Astronomically Hot
Crazy Hot
Ultimate Power Hot
Super Astronomically Hot

The menu went on until you saw the last Hot ramen


"You want that?! No one has ever ordered that before!" Maroshi got shocked and so was Bakugo. "That is so fucking spicy don't try that!" He warned. "I'll take it." You said without concern. "Okay then, may I know your name?" You burst with honor as you heard his politeness. "L/N Y/N." He smiled and nods. "Thank you! You may sit there." He points to a table near the counter. You made the chair move with your Telekinesis and sat down. Bakugo did the same and stared at you.

"I'm gonna wait until our ramen gets here and I'll see you eat that Plus Ultra ramen and die." He said...still.....staring at you.

Eventually your ramen was here and you immediately taste it and use Cryokinesis.

You ordered this ramen for this reason: Spicyness +Cryokinesis= absolute heaven. You tasted it and let out a moan of satisfaction whil Maroshi stared at you as if he saw a ghost. "O-oh my, you really like spicy stuff do you?" He squeaked when he saw you put hot sauce on them. Bakugo twitched as he saw you eat that, he continued eating his Super Astronomically Hot Ramen but his eyes were fixed on you. The whole dinner you and Bakugo were laughing and insulting Izuku the entire time.

You finished your dinner and thanked Bakugo for paying. As you came to approach your house you turn to Bakugo and smile. "Thank you Bakugo, you made me remember what fun feels like." Bakugo smirked and scratched the back of his neck. "Of course! You're looking at Bakugo, the best person to ever walk this Earth!"

"Maybe you really are." You replied.

Bakugo blushed and arched his eyebrows.

"Tch. What are you saying?!" He grumbled. "I'm telling the truth.." You continued. You step in your home and looked back at blushing Bakugo. "Bye Porcupine, thanks for today." You close your door, leaving Bakugo be himself.

"Was that a d-date?" You both mumbled to yourselves as you both soon reached your own home.

So...what did ya think?

Oh my god pls erase me from the world.

More school

So slower updates.

But thanks for reading!

-Kiyoko 🙀

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