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Amy's pov

"This all feels like a bad dream." I said, curled up into Mark.

"I know, I have no clue what is going on. All this magic shit is new to me."


"What did that thing that took my dad over make you do?" His voice was low.

"I was to train all day and night. And if I didn't do as he wanted, then he was going to tell Charles that I am here and bring me to him."

"No." He held me tight. "He will never know that you are here, and over my dead body will you go to him."

"Mark, your mom has been gone for hours!"

"I know. She is strong, but I am worried."

"She is fine, she is just doing a spell to get that demon out of your dad." Aqua said.

"What is going to happen after this?" I asked.

"The King and Queen are going to want you to forget about this."

"I don't think I am going to be able to." Mark said.

"That is okay." The door opened and the Queen appeared.

"Mom, what happened?" Mark asked, jumping up.

"Amy, your step mother sent this demon to take me over. She didn't know that I have powers and I was able to reflect it. This demon went right to the King. Once it overtook the King, I felt my life being drained from me."

"Is the demon gone?" I asked.

"Yes, the King is being taken care of as we speak."

I felt the tears pour from my eyes, "I am so sorry. I should have never came here. I am so sorry."

I got out of Mark's arms and ran out of the room.

"AMY! PLEASE!" Mark called out for me but I kept running.

I ran up the tan marble steps to an unknown floor and kept running down the hallway. There is no way I will be able to hide, these shoes make so much noise on this floor.

I felt his hands on my waist, pulling me back and stopping me from running. He turned me around forcing me against the cold wall. Our lips connected making my heart stop.

"I know you feel like shit right now, but this is what your monster of a stepmother wants you to feel. That is why she sent that thing to attack my parents. Please, don't go." He said then kissed me again, pinning my arms to the wall.

"I didn't know that she had powers." I said still crying when he pulled his lips away.

"You didn't know that you had powers."

"She will come back, and this time she will be stronger and kill me and others."

"Then we will be stronger and we will protect you and the Kingdom."

"Why? All you have to do is let me run and all of these problems will go away."

"I don't want to let you go." He whispered.

"Why? I am nothing special, I am just a girl who can't do much but clean the house and cook really bad food."

"Step monster has lied to you your whole life, you are such an amazing young woman, you have a heart of gold and a smile that lights up a whole town. Please. Don't go." His eyes begged.

"But what about the Princess? It's either you marry her, or your kingdom will be attacked over and over again."

"I can't stand her."

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