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Amy's pov

"AMY!" My monster of a step-mother screamed from her room.

I rushed into her room with her tray of breakfast.

"I'm here." I used my foot to open her door.

"What took so long?" She barked underneath her facemask.

"Your coffee wasn't right so I remade it."

"You should have made it right the first time."

I left her food and coffee on her nightstand then left her room, I need to make my step- sisters their food. I made them pancakes and coffee then woke them up.

"My room needs clean, don't forget my bathroom," Gabbi said taking her place at the table.

"Don't forget about mine! I also need my clothes washed. And don't mix them!" Sarah said walking into the kitchen.

"Don't forget mine need to be air dry on the left side of the back yard. Gabbi added, "the right side leaves a weird smell."

"Sure thing." I took a huge gulp of coffee then rushed to clean both of their rooms.

After all of my chores were done on the inside, I cleaned up the back yard and started to plant some flowers.

"There," I said smiling looking at the bright purple flowers I just planted. "Father would have loved these." I smiled.

"He would have, but I don't," Stepmother said standing behind me. "Get rid of them."

"What! No! You said that I could plant them after everything was done and it is! I even cleaned Gabbi and Sarah's bathroom!" I looked up at her.

"I know what I said, now get rid of them. And go down to the village, I need you to go pick up some things for me. The list and money are on the table. I know how much everything cost so don't even think about taking any of the money. Now, hurry along. When you get back it will be time for you to make dinner. I'm thinking of salmon." She smiled then walked away.

I don't want to un plant these, they are so pretty.

"Now Amy! You don't have all day!" She said as she walked back into the house.

I let out a huge sigh then started un planting the flowers, I kept one in tack, sneaking it up to my room. I got an old coffee can and filled it with dirt then replanted it there.

"There, now I'll have a bit of color in here," I said, softly.

I looked around my dull room then sighed, father would have never approved of this. But there is nothing I can do now, he is gone. I got cleaned up then headed to the dining room for the list and money.

"Hurry back but get everything!" Step mother's voice came from somewhere in the house.

I grabbed the shopping bag on the wall then rushed out of the house.

I love going to the village, everyone is so friendly, it's a breath of fresh air from the house.

"Amy! How are you?" Mr. Wiles asked as I walked past his shop.

"Very well! Thank you! How are you?" I smiled.

His eyes showed that he knows I'm lying but no one dares to cross Step mother.

"Amy, here. You look like you would love this."

He hands me a small bag of grapes, I hid them in the secret pocket in my dress.

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

"Hurry along before she gets angry."

I nodded my head then headed back to the market. When I got there Frank was putting out fresh produce.

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